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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 25A cresting Linden Hill with Original NS Heritage Leader

Date: 11/17/24 09:33
NS 25A cresting Linden Hill with Original NS Heritage Leader
Author: B-LineRailfan

Here's a photo and video of Norfolk Southern train 25A cresting Linden Hill on the NS B-Line in Virginia today.  The leader is ES44AC 8114 (Original Norfolk Southern Railway heritage unit).   

Steve Gass
Linden, VA

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Date: 11/17/24 13:53
Re: NS 25A cresting Linden Hill with Original NS Heritage Leader
Author: Notch7

Very nice pic and video.  When I see the 8114, I think about the "Ohriginal" NS guys I knew.  Some were railfans.  Some would would take passenger train cab rides with me on 5 - the Piedmont and 2 - the Southern Crescent  on their layovers at Charlotte NC.  Sometimes we'd have one of their gray GP's in the power on no.5.  I wish more of them had lived to see the sight of 8114 in their old red NS scheme pulling priority interemodal 25A, especially NS conductor Broome Smith.  A connection lead in Charlotte is named for him.

Date: 11/17/24 16:07
Re: NS 25A cresting Linden Hill with Original NS Heritage Leader
Author: B-LineRailfan

Notch7 Wrote:
> Very nice pic and video.  When I see the 8114, I
> think about the "Ohriginal" NS guys I knew.  Some
> were railfans.  Some would would take passenger
> train cab rides with me on 5 - the Piedmont and 2
> - the Southern Crescent  on their layovers at
> Charlotte NC.  Sometimes we'd have one of their
> gray GP's in the power on no.5.  I wish more of
> them had lived to see the sight of 8114 in their
> old red NS scheme pulling priority interemodal
> 25A, especially NS conductor Broome Smith.  A
> connection lead in Charlotte is named for him.

Thank you for the comment.  That sounds like an amazing experience.  I was only 3 years old when Southern Railway stopped running their passenger trains so I don't have any clear memories of that.  But I do have lots of fond memories from the Southern and NS steam program in the 80s.

Steve Gass
Linden, VA

Date: 11/18/24 07:28
Re: NS 25A cresting Linden Hill with Original NS Heritage Leader
Author: WM_1109

Nice photo and video, Steve.

I'm guessing that shot's not possible during leaf season (?)


Date: 11/18/24 12:55
Re: NS 25A cresting Linden Hill with Original NS Heritage Leader
Author: bigsavage

Looks like the trees on the right got a recent lopping, likely from the air. Probably as open here as it going to get
The eastbound shot was grown back in within 10 years after the deep cut was re-excavated in 1988 and the sides trimmed back.
In June, 2016, the eastbound shot was pretty restricted, as this pic of a railfan horde all trying to get a shot of #611 slipping over the hill in a steady rain shows...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/18/24 12:56 by bigsavage.

Date: 11/18/24 14:27
Re: NS 25A cresting Linden Hill with Original NS Heritage Leader
Author: B-LineRailfan

Indeed, they did use a helicopter to clear the right-of-way some time back.  The view is okay year-round, but a little more open without the leaves.  Here's a westward view from a couple years ago taken earlier in the fall.  The road on the overpass isn't particularly busy, but I shoot there pretty rarely as I don't find it the best place to relax waiting for a train.


Steve Gass
Linden, VA

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/19/24 12:01 by B-LineRailfan.

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