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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today

Date: 11/17/24 16:00
Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today
Author: train1275

Sunday November 17, 2024
Vermilion and Huron, OH
Temps in the 50's - hazy light and some clouds

1. A short and fast 28B on the NKP this morning takes the sweeping curve above Lake Erie at Beaver Park Marina just west of Lorain with NS 4081 and 4177.

2. Caught on the wrong side at Coen Road on the Lake Shore line west of Vermilion, Train 552 loaded coal rolls west behind NS 8096 and UP 6719.

3. Huron OH, grain train 50M east behind NS 8180 and 1224 hits Main Street crossing.

Date: 11/17/24 16:05
Re: Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today
Author: train1275

4. A closer look at the 50M as he accelerates through CP 232, underneath the Christmas tree and over the Huron River bridge.

5. Then from the west side of the bridge we catch Train 309 crossing Main Street and passing the Mobil Gas Station with NS 9932 and 7556.

6. Frailey Road is a rural crossing east of Ceylon and west of Vermilion, a good spot to snag the 22H with NS 4052 and 8092.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/24 16:10 by train1275.

Date: 11/17/24 16:08
Re: Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today
Author: train1275

7. 22H gets a little closer at Frailey Road.

8. - 9. And to close out today's adventure is 66X, loaded crude with a nice red CP 8105 and KCS 4168 as a rear DPU.

Date: 11/17/24 17:15
Re: Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today
Author: dschlegel

I like shot 5 with the gas station canopy as part of the frame! Also your gas is about 50 cents cheaper per gallon than our is in eastern PA, I’m jealous!!


Posted from iPhone

Date: 11/17/24 18:53
Re: Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today
Author: Notch7

All terrific enjoyable shots.  Where does 28B go to?

Date: 11/18/24 08:27
Re: Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today
Author: train1275

Buffalo, NY

Posted from Android

Date: 11/20/24 12:53
Re: Cruising Around Lake Erie Land Today
Author: MacBeau

Nice track work in #3, and like the colors in the last two as well, thanks for sharing.

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