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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land

Date: 11/22/24 13:54
Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: train1275

Friday November 22, 2024
Vermilion OH
Low 40's, winds of 35 - 50 mph and cold rain

On this day 61 years ago ...  well it has already been posted. I am just old enough, which brings back these memories; our neighbor came over to tell us the news, and at first I remember we turned on the radio, not the TV. After we turned on the TV I recalled various scenes, but when I got older and watched the documentaries nothing I saw resembled what was ingrained into my memory. The reason I later learned was that we watched NBC, and most documentaries show Walter Conkrite instead of Huntley - Brinkley. I recall Mrs. Kennedy getting off the plane back in Washington and wondered who was going to give her a ride home. On Sunday we had TV trays set up in the living room at lunch time, and as Oswald was being escorted through the police station and shot my dad jumped right up on his feet and yelled; LOOK AT THAT, THEY SHOT HIM, THEY SHOT HIM !!   I was also disappointed that The Flintstones cartoon show was taken off due to the assasination coverage. I still think that David Brinkley's sign off that evening is one of the best commentarries ever done.
It seems like nothing was ever the same afterwards.

Anyway, it has been another slow, mostly gloomy week, and I have been very under-motivated to get out, shoot images or edit. But here are a few to show some of the action here this week.

Wednesday November 20th

1. A walk downtown to the Rail Park and MofW / Signal is out doing something at the detector. 

2. Stone train 62G comes east with NS 7645 and 1207 and MGQX hoppers.

3. Then 28B makes an appearance here on the Lake Shore line instead of the NKP with NS 4237 and 4689.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/24 15:24 by train1275.

Date: 11/22/24 14:01
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: train1275

4. 28B disappears to the east and the gang gets ready to go back to work.

Thursday November 21, 2024

5. A quick cold breezy walk and a grab shot of 29P crossing the Vermilion River bridge from the highway bridge. His power is NS 4689 and 4237. I wish that utility line wasn't there .... oh well.

Friday November 22nd

6. Downtown at the Rail Park in the 35 mph wind and rain as 6K4 (ethanol loads) rolls east with NS 4409 and CP 7027.

Date: 11/22/24 14:06
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: train1275

7. The bright red CP 7027 on 6K4 does little to break up the gray gloom.

8. Train 265 from Ayer, MA and the Hoosac Tunnel line of the old Fitchburg and B&M is now on the Lake Shore line heading for Chicago behind NS 4077, 1251 and 1176. Most of his train is singles and he is a long one.

9. Then eastbound is the 310 with NS 4492 and BNSF 6669. He'll follow the route the 265 just took and end up in East Binghamton, NY. Any traffic for New England off his train will go up the D&H in Train 16R or onto the CP (ex D&H Lake Champlain line) in the 31T.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/24 14:08 by train1275.

Date: 11/22/24 14:12
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: train1275

10. 29P comes east today with NS 4177 and 4081. His tail end is going over the bridge we caught yesterday's 29P on.

11. I don't know if this is a really late 26X, or a really early 26X. He is usually a night train, but here he is during daylight at Joppa Road west of town. Well, sort of daylight, as it is heavy overcast, at 43 degrees, a good hard cold rain and 45 - 50 mph wind gusts at 3:49 pm.

12. His power is NS 4734 and 3637.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/24 15:18 by train1275.

Date: 11/22/24 14:20
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: train1275

13. Coming home and "The Sea is Angry" - white caps outside our patio window. Not fit for man nor beast out there. The wind is really pounding against the door.

14. But yesterday there were thousands, and I mean thousands of sea gulls and mergansers out back.

15. Then the mergansers went out from shore and suddenly in a burst they all took off flying up lake. It was quite a sight.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/22/24 17:48 by train1275.

Date: 11/22/24 15:09
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: Curt

Nice shots.  Looks cold.  What's the temps been like?

Date: 11/22/24 15:16
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: train1275

Highs into the mid to high 40's, and lows in the low 30's. A very light dust of snow yesterday.

Date: 11/22/24 17:00
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: Notch7

Enjoyable shots, especially 26X coming out of the mist.

Date: 11/23/24 07:16
Re: Weekly Round-Up - Lake Erie Land
Author: dschlegel

I’m shivering viewing your photos, you did pretty well though with less than desirable weather!


Posted from iPhone

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