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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 23G in Topton, PA

Date: 11/25/24 17:44
NS 23G in Topton, PA
Author: dschlegel

I was able to catch 23G tonight while walking Lucy at the Main Street crossing in Topton, PA.

Note the CP unit 2nd out in a larger than normal consist, and the bare table string on the rear of the train.


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Date: 11/25/24 19:09
Re: NS 23G in Topton, PA
Author: Gonut1

I wonder just how many railfans can actually walk their dog or dogs and get a front row seat to mainline railroading? 
Here I would be able to see loco headlights though the trees, hear the horns but see not much much else.

Date: 11/25/24 19:28
Re: NS 23G in Topton, PA
Author: WM_1109

Looks like a pretty sketchy neighborhood; good thing you had Attack Beagle protection.

Date: 11/26/24 03:28
Re: NS 23G in Topton, PA
Author: dschlegel

I’m fortunate enough to have the beagle protection detail with me when I do walk the mean streets of Topton that’s for sure!

Topton is a pretty neat place and I love being able to walk to the tracks. With my railfan network that I’ve been blessed to grow over the years I often get early warnings/heads-ups of special moves and can literally leave my house, catch the special move, and be back in under ten minutes!


Posted from iPhone

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