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Eastern Railroad Discussion > Another Flat Car Bridge

Date: 12/31/24 20:34
Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: Tominde

Here is another flat car bridge built by Army Corps of Engineers after Helene flood near Asheville.  This bridge is in Back Mountain on a heavily traveled road.  it crosses the Swanannoa.   

1 Overview of bridge

2.  The old car number

3.  Build date   

Date: 12/31/24 20:39
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: Tominde

Just 100 yds behind this bridge the flood devastated this shopping center.  The parking lot has been cleared.

Date: 12/31/24 22:16
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: dschlegel

Very interesting repurposing of a flatcar!


Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/01/25 02:19
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: refarkas

First-rate coverage of this flat car bridge.

Date: 01/01/25 07:43
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: scraphauler

All the ones we’ve handled out of storage for this have been TTXX mark. As I understand, TTX donated a hundred or so flats to the area. All are cars they were holding in inventory that were at or over their 50 year mark. TTX doesn’t automatically retire and scrap flats at the 50 year mark - they grade them then hold them for a year or two as candidates for 65 year ILS (increased life service) rebuilds.

Posted from iPhone

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/01/25 07:44 by scraphauler.

Date: 01/02/25 06:38
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: cjvrr

Almost looks like they used two flatcars side by side based on the width of the bridge.   Great re-use.

Date: 01/02/25 06:49
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: dan

the Flood gallery was aptly named

Date: 01/02/25 07:55
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: SpecsGTP

cjvrr Wrote:
> Almost looks like they used two flatcars side by
> side based on the width of the bridge.   Great
> re-use.

Good spot!  It's hard to read the car number in the shot with the Mazda for comparison, but based on the shadow of the guard rail and not being able to see the bottom of the car's tires I would say this bridge is two flat cars wide.

Date: 01/02/25 19:35
Re: Another Flat Car Bridge
Author: wabash2800

That's a great thing that they were repurposed. What's the load rating now?

Victor Baird

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