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Eastern Railroad Discussion > FRA reporting question

Date: 01/30/25 06:43
FRA reporting question
Author: JasonCNW

This morning at work I was asked a question by a coworker and I did not know the answer to.
I work at an ethanol plant, we have our own engines and have a yard and do our own switching and build unit trains for the railroad to pull. The question I was asked is if one of us "run thru" a switch and damages it does my company need to report that incident to the FRA?

My plant has been open for quite a few years so sad to say but we had our fair share of run thru switches over time. We have a contractor rail repair crew who fixes them for us.

So does a private industry on its own land and owns its tracks have to report any damage on them to the FRA?? Im asking since this coworker who is not all that rail smart was adiment we should start doing it.

Posted from Android

Date: 01/30/25 07:13
Re: FRA reporting question
Author: farmer

I would say. No

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/30/25 07:23
Re: FRA reporting question
Author: mkancle

If the operation you run is solely within your plant and only for switching your industry you shouldn't have to report to the FRA. If your locomotives are switching product from outside your plant or for other entity's you are considered a public railroad and under the jurisdiction of the FRA. That's how I read it.


Date: 01/30/25 09:26
Re: FRA reporting question
Author: callum_out

As you build a train are you using common carrier rail? You get into is this an FRA issue or some
level of OSHA investigation. 


Date: 01/30/25 10:24
Re: FRA reporting question
Author: NSDTK

Industrys are usually not regulated by the FRA. Are you 240-242 certified if not then the answer is NO do not report to the FRA. 

Date: 01/30/25 10:34
Re: FRA reporting question
Author: irhoghead

Best to invoke Sgt. Schultz's famous catchphrase, "I know nothing, nothing!"

Date: 01/30/25 11:36
Re: FRA reporting question
Author: aztrainmaster

§ 225.3 Applicability.
(a) Except as provided in paragraphs (b), (c), and (d), this part applies to all railroads except—
(1) A railroad that operates freight trains only on track inside an installation which is not part of the general railroad system of transportation or that owns no track except for track that is inside an installation that is not part of the general railroad system of transportation and used for freight operations.

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