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Eastern Railroad Discussion > CSX 1871 Atlantic Coast Line heritage unit

Date: 01/31/25 09:39
CSX 1871 Atlantic Coast Line heritage unit
Author: CSX2605

This morning the fog lifted and the sun was battling the clouds popping in & out as CSX I025 was coming south on the CE&D sub just south of Vincennes, IN. I flew the drone down to 0ZA 239.0 to catch the 1871. Couldn't let the DPU go unnoticed so I flew to a gap in the trees and caught it.
I025 should be down in KY by now on the way to Nashville and eventually Jacksonville. I think he had 610 axles which should put him at or over 14,000' long.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/25 09:41 by CSX2605.

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