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Eastern Railroad Discussion > NS 276 reroute...NS 1067 RDG on point.

Date: 02/01/25 14:55
NS 276 reroute...NS 1067 RDG on point.
Author: Forever-Railfan-45

Was not aware of any reroutes going on...until today. I was informed that the NS 276 is a train that has been rerouted due to a derailment somewhere on the NS system. Went to Cleveland East 26th. street to get 276 coming up the hill after crossing Drawbridge number one. Camera button did not want to cooperate due to the cold I walked back and pointed the car south for Alliance then home. The NS 1067 looks pretty appealing in the sun....and surprisingly clean.. NS 8100 NKP leading 38N from January 12, 2025...have not been out much after as health takes priority. Hopefully I can start venturing out more soon...


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/02/25 13:58 by Forever-Railfan-45.

Date: 02/01/25 15:01
Re: NS 276 reroute...NS 1067 RDG on point.
Author: Forever-Railfan-45

NS 8100 on a 38N from January 12, 2025.

Date: 02/01/25 19:37
Re: NS 276 reroute...NS 1067 RDG on point.
Author: Gonut1

The Reading unit is very nice looking when clean, not sure how that happened!
Thanks for dealing with your medical issues to grab these shots.
I have mine but so far so good, your's sound much worse. 

Date: 02/02/25 04:50
Re: NS 276 reroute...NS 1067 RDG on point.
Author: ddavies

276 passed the Greencastle cam at 0348, so it was headed down the H-line to Norfolk.

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