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Eastern Railroad Discussion > EL SD45-2 3669 heads east at Elkhart

Date: 02/04/25 03:52
EL SD45-2 3669 heads east at Elkhart
Author: JPB

At 0311 Tuesday 2/4/25, an eastbound manifest departs Elkhart behind a stopped stack train with NS1700, aka EL SD45-2 3669 (not so much a heritage unit as the real McCoy), in 2nd position. Based on the large quantity of frac sand hoppers in the consist, my guess is the train is Southern Tier bound 310 but it might be Conway-bound 12N. Anyone know?

Date: 02/04/25 05:24
Re: EL SD45-2 3669 heads east at Elkhart
Author: train1275


Posted from Android

Date: 02/04/25 06:00
Re: EL SD45-2 3669 heads east at Elkhart
Author: JPB

Given 310 terminates at Binghamton, it will be interesting to see how NS1700 gets back to Conrail Shared Assets in NJ. My guess would be 11Z takes it to Harrisburg and the another symbol gets it to Oak Island/Croxton. Or a trip down the Delaware Division with NYSW would be scenic. At any rate, it will be good to see some photos of EL 3669 on what remains of its home rails.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 06:50 by JPB.

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