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Model Railroading > Looking for info on G scale

Date: 06/28/07 10:52
Looking for info on G scale
Author: wmfan3798

I am looking to get started in G scale. I have modeled in HO for years and am looking for a change. If anyone knows any groups or websites I would really appreciate the help.


Date: 06/28/07 11:00
Re: Looking for info on G scale
Author: DRGW803

Here's a couple links to get you going. Welcome to large scale... :)




Date: 06/28/07 13:45
Re: Looking for info on G scale
Author: czuleget

You also have the Aristo Craft web site with a forum which you can post on, mainly about aristo Craft products only, unless Aristo does not manufacture the item you are discussing.
Very good info as well can be had on the forum.
The other two web sites above, have many of the same people post there as well.
What part of the country are you in?

Date: 06/28/07 16:39
Re: Looking for info on G scale
Author: wmfan3798

First off thank you for the help. I live in SW PA. I am not looking to do anything fancy, When I am home and awake I am outside so I figure why not. I don't have a lot of room inside for a layout and think it will be something fun to do with my kids.

Date: 06/30/07 10:52
Re: Looking for info on G scale
Author: ATSF100WEST

You should check this out too......




Date: 07/01/07 21:19
Re: Looking for info on G scale
Author: groundhog

HI its, a great hobby with clubs in garden railroading all over the country. go to hobby store and get a copy of Garden Railways, their are several listed hobby stores in your state, hopefully local, that can get you started .here in the bay area we have BAGRRs,bay area garden railroaders, with about five hundred familys . Ive been having fun with live steam, lots of people have a variety of themes and operations both Electric, battery, or live steams .I asked all most all the people who have had open houses ,what got them started or what they liked about our hobby, and they all had great storys and this. OUR family or our friends are doing this together . here is garden railways phone number 800 533 6644if you need ,there are a number of large scale on line too. hope you find it and enjoy. Ed T

Date: 07/02/07 14:03
Re: Looking for info on G scale
Author: rswebber

Before you get too far down that road, you had better satisfy yourself as to what "G-Scale" means to you. Because there is no such thing. "G-Scale" ads can run the gamut of scales ranging from 1:32 to 1:22.5 and even 1:20.5. Actually, I misspoke a little. G-Scale per se refers only to 1:22.5. G-Gauge is another matter. The unfortunate thing is that most ads, hobby shops and others use "G-Scale" and "G-Gauge" interchangeably.

All of which is fine, depending on your tolerance. It's similar to most people in HO - they get anything painted their favorite road and only later they decide they should model more prototypically. What you model is obviously up to you, and there is nothing wrong with mixing scales on your railroad. But it might come back and frustrate you some day when the modeling aspect bites you (and it likely will).

So do yourself a favor and do some research. Realize that most popular scales are not going to scale out accurately to the gauge on the track - for instance, 1:29 Accucraft stuff doesn't run on 4'8.5" scale track - because it runs on "G-Gauge" track which is accurate for meter gauge in 1:22.5 and 4'8.5 in 1:32 (1 scale). But that hasn't bothered a lot of O gaugers through the years (until proto 48 came along). And LGB stuff is a hodge podge of scales and fantasy. So take the time to look into things before delving into it and look carefully inside yourself too - and try to be honest with yourself. Otherwise, you'll end up rubber-gauging without realizing it. And the frustration can be very real.

On the other hand, it's a blast to run outside, and it's a very social exercise. The whole family can join in and all are usually invited to layout tours and such.

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