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Model Railroading > Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?

Date: 07/27/07 19:20
Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?
Author: CCT41

Has anyone out there installed a sound decoder into a P2K Alco S1? I am looking to install a ESU Loksound decoder into my models, and I am looking for any tips or tricks.


Date: 07/27/07 19:45
Re: Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?
Author: brassmag

Mount a speaker below the frame between the battery boxes just above the tracks. You'll need to remove the air tanks and fabricate two "c" shaped pieces to complete the baffle assembly using the baffle that came with the decoder. Run the wires up to the decoder next to the gear tower. Place the Loksound on top of the front frame just behind the headlight. Using the speaker that came with the decoder, you can cut the wires then reconnect after routing to the top of the frame. The toughest part is the speaker installation and yes, the exposed speaker membrane faces down in between the trucks / battery boxes. I'm going from memory but that's one way to skin the cat.

Date: 07/28/07 09:49
Re: Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?
Author: CCT41

Would it be possible to place the speaker in the cab?

Date: 07/28/07 19:46
Re: Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?
Author: brassmag

I would think so. I just didn't want to remove or cut up any interior.

Date: 07/29/07 20:23
Re: Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?
Author: puckeringswine

Mine was installed just as brassmag described, it works and sounds great, and I still have the cab interior.

Date: 08/01/07 17:59
Re: Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?
Author: brassmag


Found this on litchfield's website. Another installation...

Date: 08/02/07 07:18
Re: Sound Decoder Installation- P2K ALCo S1?
Author: CCT41

Thats good information, even though its not the LokSound decoder. I will make sure everything is insulated when I stuff my S1.


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