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Model Railroading > Bay State Club Open House this weekend

Date: 02/29/08 13:36
Bay State Club Open House this weekend
Author: 3985

Bay State Model Railroad Museum in Boston is having an Open House this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 4pm both days. This will happen no matter how much snow falls tonight (only 3 inches expected).

The club building is located in Roslindale Square across the street from the MBTA Commuter Rail station on the Needham branch (former NYNH&H). (on Saturday, you can take the train from South Station to the club.) There is unlimited parking adjacent to Roslindale square and in the MBTA lot (free on weekends). Admission is $6 for adults and $3 for children age 7 or over.

Trains will be operating on 3 large layouts, including O scale, N scale, HO scale, HOn3, and O scale trolleys. The largest layout, the HO scale, will be operating 30 trains using DCC control. Families and kids are more than welcome.

The membership consists of ~55 mostly amiable men that range from very experienced modelers to beginners. Most love to talk with interested visitors about the layout, the trains, real railroads, or Boston sports. Many of the members are hard-core railfans who travel all over the country.

There is no dealer show, but snacks are for sale in the club meeting room in the back (hotdogs, brownies, cookies, coffee, and sodas).

Check the website for more detailed information, the flyer, and maps: http://www.bsmrm.org.

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