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Model Railroading > Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layout.

Date: 07/24/18 14:51
Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layout.
Author: upmodeler

A couple trains on the OC&E HO layout in Greeley, Colorado. 

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Date: 07/24/18 15:12
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: Hookdragkick

WOT! Impressive sound and layout. What era do you guys model?

Posted from Android

Date: 07/24/18 15:17
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: upmodeler

They model the 60s-70s.

Posted from Android

Date: 07/24/18 15:33
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: RioGrandeFan

The original intent of the museum was to model the pacific northwest in 1974 but anything in the 1970's counts. The museum trains were mostly let by Southern Pacific power of the 1970's. Originally one weekend each month was set aside for volunteers to bring their own personal trains if they'd met a certain amount of volunteer hours. That weekend the era really didn't matter.

Times and rules have changed and now museum volunteers can bring their personal trains every weekend as long as they've met the criteria for volunteer hours. With that the eras can range from the 1800's to today since every volunteer likes the era they like and railroad they like and it doesn't always fit with the museum's original locale or era. It used to be that you had to have a plausible reason or story for your personal train to be crossing the OC&E. I'm not sure if that is really the case anymore but I'm sure that you still can't bring your GG-1 or any other loco that requires the non-existent overhead wire.

It's still a great place to visit, the layout is 5500 square feet! 

Lee Ryan - Rio Grande Fan
Denver, CO

Date: 07/24/18 16:15
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: jbwest

OK, the Colorado MODEL Railroad Museum....the subject line was misleading and I was wondering what the CRM had to do with a model layout in Greeley going by the initials OC&E.....Oregon, California and Eastern.....Oregon Colorado and Eastern....what does OC&E stand for.  Looks like a nice layout, what guage?


Date: 07/24/18 18:27
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: upmodeler

It is a railroad museum with a HO layout in it.

Posted from Android

Date: 07/24/18 19:59
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: up421

The museum owns a full sized box car parked out back of their building.
Photo of the car from July 2014.  The gift shop had some HO scale models of OC&E box cars for sale too.
The layout is HO guage.
Hope this helps.


jbwest Wrote:
> OK, the Colorado MODEL Railroad Museum....the
> subject line was misleading and I was wondering
> what the CRM had to do with a model layout in
> Greeley going by the initials OC&E.....Oregon,
> California and Eastern.....Oregon Colorado and
> Eastern....what does OC&E stand for.  Looks like
> a nice layout, what guage?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/24/18 20:01 by up421.

Date: 07/24/18 22:26
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: funnelfan

Thanks for posting those videos...just that I wanted to see the full trains! Post more when you get a chance!

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 07/25/18 06:12
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: Bob3985

This museum, the design by Dave Trussell, also houses a full size C&S caboose and the museum is adorned with a huge varitey of railroad artifacts. It is well worth the visit and plan to spend a little time in there viewing all of that plus the two story model railroad as well.

Bob Krieger
Cheyenne, WY

Date: 07/25/18 20:21
Re: Couple trains on the Colorado Railroad Museum (OC&E) HO layou
Author: railstiesballast

Last year I visited and was very impressed with their scenery and background work.
3 Images:
First is a partial overview, to show the full size caboose on display inside the building and a bit of the layout to show the size of the layout building.
Second is one corner where they have done what I think is a remarkable job of disguising the vertical separation between the levels.
Third is another view of the vertical wall between the lower and upper decks, with great tree detail.
Well worth a visit in my book.

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