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Model Railroading > Some one clue me in on how to operate a mth loco

Date: 05/17/23 07:35
Some one clue me in on how to operate a mth loco
Author: Highhood

I have a number of these units that are dcc AND sound.

The dcc part works perfectly as far as loading in the road number and having the unit run.
What does not work are the lights or horn or bell ect.am I simply not operating the units correctly or do I need to do a factory reset?
If reset how do I do that?

And yes they did have working sound when I first received them

As always
Tia for your responses.

Jon Fink
Schenectady, NY

Date: 05/17/23 10:11
Re: Some one clue me in on how to operate a mth loco
Author: ATSFSuperCap

So, MTH used their own propriatary sound system that is not fully compatible with NMRA DCC standards.    As MTH refined the system they added more and more DCC compatibility but it was never fully compatible.   I am not sure what functions were added in successive generations you will need to try and find that out, perhaps  as they say "ask the Google".     Or, do what I have done with MTH, rip out ALL the wires and start over and rewire it with correct color codded wires according to DCC standards and install the sound system of your preference.     Sountraxx and ESU are the most used and or best systems.    After that TSU is perfectly good as well.


Date: 05/17/23 11:14
Re: Some one clue me in on how to operate a mth loco
Author: bnsfmodeler

Sadly they do not work very well and for some reason they will be working fine in a consist and then they will not. At the club I have had to tell people to reprogram them to the same number to use them the problem is that all the locomotives lights are on and they all have to be going in the same direction.


Date: 05/17/23 21:45
Re: Some one clue me in on how to operate a mth loco
Author: Orion4572

I have a few MTH models.
For me to get sound, I have to press 3 then they go through a start-up process.
After that's finished I have all the lights and sounds. 
I will say that all my locos are steam. 
I am not sure if MTH did different things for steam than diesel. 
Like others have said go on to Google that will give you all your answers. 
I also recommend looking up your locomotives manual on Google as I have found that very helpful when I had issues.
The manual should explain the three different operating modes of your MTH loco ( DC, DCC, DCS) and how to use them properly.
I hope this helps! 

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