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Model Railroading > L&N 12-1 Sleeper

Date: 09/18/23 11:37
L&N 12-1 Sleeper
Author: SD608708

Does anyone have a list  of numbers and names For L&N 12-1 Sleepers?

Paul Boggs
Canton, GA

Date: 09/18/23 13:58
Re: L&N 12-1 Sleeper
Author: pullmanboss

These are the 12-1 sleepers (all Plan 3410 or 3410A) that went to the L&N at the 12/31/1948 Pullman divestiture. All were leased back to Pullman for operation, and all of them eventually received L&N paint schemes:
Dillsburg, Leetsdale, Liggett, Tacoma, McMurphy, McBee, McCheyne, George W. Cable, Andrew Johnson, David Farragut, John Sevier, John L. Helm, L. L. Shreve, John Fitch, McNeirney, Agassiz, East Cadiz, Orange Bend, Orange Dale, Orange Grove, John James Audubon, James E. Oglethorpe, Raphael Semmes, Cassius M. Clay, George Peabody, Oscar Underwood, John Fox Jr.
All the cars with men’s names were the result of the renaming of cars between late 1937 and early 1940. All appear to have operated as named cars until withdrawn from Pullman lease, mostly in the early 1960s. Wayner shows three of them then becoming L&N dormitory cars (Dillsburg to L&N 1623, East Cadiz to L&N 1622, and Orange Dale to L&N 1620), but he shows all the others being sold for scrap.

Date: 09/18/23 17:29
Re: L&N 12-1 Sleeper
Author: SD608708

Thanks, you cleared up which names to use on the 12-1 Sleeper

Paul Boggs
Canton, GA

Date: 09/20/23 17:55
Re: L&N 12-1 Sleeper
Author: agentatascadero

Regarding the Cassius Clay....I'd think he came to fame way too late to be the subject of a Pullman car name....may as well name a car the Ringo Starr.


Stanford White
Carmel Valley, CA

Date: 09/20/23 18:10
Re: L&N 12-1 Sleeper
Author: ts1457

agentatascadero Wrote:
> Regarding the Cassius Clay....I'd think he came to
> fame way too late to be the subject of a Pullman
> car name....may as well name a car the Ringo
> Starr.

Cassius Marcellus Clay was a 19th Century Republican and abolitionist.

The boxer's father was named after him and give his son the name, too.

Though the 19th Century Cassius Clay became an abolitionist, he owned slaves before, and apparently after his change in beliefs.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 09/20/23 18:26 by ts1457.

Date: 09/20/23 20:39
Re: L&N 12-1 Sleeper
Author: agentatascadero

ts1457 Wrote:
> agentatascadero Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Regarding the Cassius Clay....I'd think he came
> to
> > fame way too late to be the subject of a
> Pullman
> > car name....may as well name a car the Ringo
> > Starr.
> Cassius Marcellus Clay was a 19th Century
> Republican and abolitionist.
> The boxer's father was named after him and give
> his son the name, too.
> Though the 19th Century Cassius Clay became an
> abolitionist, he owned slaves before, and
> apparently after his change in beliefs.
Thank you for this info, was not aware of Ali's "namesake".


Stanford White
Carmel Valley, CA

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