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Model Railroading > Conquering Life-like truck mounted coupler pocket

Date: 06/22/24 03:10
Conquering Life-like truck mounted coupler pocket
Author: calsubd

I came into 12 life-like cars that needed Kadee's, dealer recommended  147's and kadee Talgo adapters, the hangup was getting the coupler over the truck mounted centering pin, the solution was to align the coupler with the centering pin then engaging needle nose pliers (smaller)  into coupler and truck while squeezing, this pulls the coupler over the centering pin, Then engage Talgo adapter over centering pin using needle nose ( doesn't have to be totally aligned ,,it will snap in place) once snapped in place you can align the adapter into the coupler pocket,  MRR is fun !!

Ed Stewart
Jacksonville, FL

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