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Model Railroading > CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight

Date: 10/29/24 09:15
CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: sarailfan

I recently received my pair of Hudsons from Rapido Trains. Following the break-in run I set up a 15 car freight at the Southern Alberta Model Railway Club, and put the 2810 to work. It's in the as-delivered basic black; the traction tires make a world of difference in performance.

For bonus points, how many of the freight cars are also Rapido products?

Darren Boes
Lethbridge, AB
Southern Alberta Railfan

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Date: 10/29/24 09:31
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: BlaineM

Nice, sure is a rugged area to build a railroad?  Good modeling.
American Fork

Date: 10/29/24 09:54
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: boejoe

Not sure about the rolling stock but the van has features resembling Model Die Casting/Roundhouse.

Date: 10/29/24 15:34
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: tomstp

Really good sounding exhaust.  Better than most plastic engines sound.

Date: 10/29/24 16:27
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: rapidotrains

It's a little hard to tell from the video, but it looks like seven Rapido cars:

2x X3 tanks
2x USRA single-sheath clones
2x NP 100000s
1x gondola

Nice to see so much Rapido in service, and I'm glad you like the engine!


Date: 10/29/24 17:52
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: sarailfan

rapidotrains Wrote:
> It's a little hard to tell from the video, but it
> looks like seven Rapido cars:
> 2x X3 tanks
> 2x USRA single-sheath clones
> 2x NP 100000s
> 1x gondola
> Nice to see so much Rapido in service, and I'm
> glad you like the engine!
> -Jason

Someone has an unfair advantage, but you nailed it. Boejoe is correct as well, that's a Roundhouse caboose on the markers. The boxcar ahead of it is an Accurail product, the other 2 tanks are Tichy kits, and the hoppers are from Bowser and Athearn.

The Hudsons can use a touch of extra weight on the pilot truck, and a bit on the front end. There's a couple of vertical curves on the club layout where the lead driver likes to climb the railhead in the curve, balancing the weight forward a touch should solve that.

Posted from Android

Darren Boes
Lethbridge, AB
Southern Alberta Railfan

Date: 10/29/24 23:40
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: RogersPass

Hi Could you show more of that layout also please and what is above
where you took the video. It Looks like a Great layout, Many Thanks in advance.
Cheers Brian in New Zealand..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/30/24 08:31 by RogersPass.

Date: 10/30/24 08:10
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: sarailfan

RogersPass Wrote:
> Hi Could you show more of that layout also please
> and what is above
> where you took the video. Cheers Brian in New
> Zealand..

The line above is a continuation of the lower line. The layout is a 1970s design with lots of looping for elevation changes, there's a coal mine at the top of the hill served by a tight branchline. There's a prairie town at the far end of the layout, and the most recent addition is a port terminal city.

The Southern Alberta Model Railway Club has been here since 1972, anyone coming through Lethbridge is welcome to stop by Tuesday nights between September and May/June. We also have open houses twice a year in March and October.

Darren Boes
Lethbridge, AB
Southern Alberta Railfan

Date: 10/31/24 08:13
Re: CPR sacrilege? Hudson on freight
Author: cnr6776

sarailfan Wrote:
> I recently received my pair of Hudsons from Rapido
> Trains. Following the break-in run I set up a 15
> car freight at the Southern Alberta Model Railway
> Club, and put the 2810 to work. It's in the
> as-delivered basic black; the traction tires make
> a world of difference in performance.
> For bonus points, how many of the freight cars are
> also Rapido products?

The 2 NP boxcars and the black gondola.

Edit: I didn't see Jason's reply before I posted.

Posted from Android

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/31/24 08:16 by cnr6776.

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