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Model Railroading > Orange For Halloween in HO Scale

Date: 10/31/24 08:59
Orange For Halloween in HO Scale
Author: FiveChime

Not likely that these two real locomotives ever came together in real life, but
they did at Randall Museum model railroad in San Francisco, many years ago.
Happy Halloween.
Regards, Jim Evans

Date: 10/31/24 11:08
Re: Orange For Halloween in HO Scale
Author: SPDRGWfan

Nice line up!

Date: 10/31/24 20:14
Re: Orange For Halloween in HO Scale
Author: TomG

Jim, there is always the possibility they could have met. Roseville was a hub for lots of Funits. When the WP rerouted the CZ when the Canyon was closed, it was routed through Roseville and a trip over Donner. So there was always a possibility.

Date: 10/31/24 21:09
Re: Orange For Halloween in HO Scale
Author: PHall

TomG Wrote:
> Jim, there is always the possibility they could
> have met. Roseville was a hub for lots of Funits.
> When the WP rerouted the CZ when the Canyon was
> closed, it was routed through Roseville and a trip
> over Donner. So there was always a possibility.

And there were times when SP detoured through FRC when Donner was misbehaving.

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