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Model Railroading > Close enough?

Date: 11/03/24 17:45
Close enough?
Author: rgcw5

Considering the fact that nobody makes any sort of the tonopah and tidewater / bullfrog goldfield locomotives, I am considering myself seriously lucky that I've been able to find what I have been able to find in order to make a very close representation of T&T  #6 the engine is a remotored aristocraft 2-8-0 with dcc and the tender is from a Tyco 0-4-0 "pony" switcher. 

I doubt there are many rivet counters for the T&T so I think I can get away with this as a dang good effort and if it runs (so far the static tests are promising) that makes me happy 

Now, onto decals and putting the last details back on

And yes I know the pic is sideways, can't seem to correct it on my phone 🤬

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/03/24 17:46 by rgcw5.

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