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Model Railroading > Big Boy

Date: 11/08/24 11:18
Big Boy
Author: gandydancer4

I know several manufactures have done "Big Boy" in HO scale and I'm curious which one is the most popular and why. Please include the future projects if you have any info on those. Your opinion is MOST appreciated. Thank you.

Date: 11/08/24 13:31
Re: Big Boy
Author: Frisco1522

Numerous models of Big Boys have been produced by many builders/importers over the years.  I always wondered how they could sell that many.
Another model that puzzles me is the PRR steam turbine.  There was only one of them and many companies, including Lionel, have produced models.
I'm old not, lots of things puzzle me.

Date: 11/08/24 18:31
Re: Big Boy
Author: mcdeo

I was recently involved in an estate sale of equipment. I don't own any steam so have limited opinions here. I ran across an Athearn Genesis Big Boy and Challenger. Nice engines, good details, I liked the way the tender connected to the engine, come with Tsunami decoder or DC only. Had no issues with my Peco #5 yard and 24" radius curves. I didn't like that the speaker is in the tender. I've seen some modelers install speakers in the smoke box, which is more correct on where the sound would come from. Not sure if any manufacturer in HO does that. I don't know if you want DC or DCC. 

I also ran across some BLI steam. Nice engines, heavy for sure, but all came with Paragon sound. Not sure if that is your cup of tea or not. And, most if not all of the BLI engines I believe have the puffing smoke effect. Nice if you want it. Not sure if anyone else has that feature. No issues with my Peco #5 yard turnouts. A bit tighter on the swing of engines, but nice overall. I worked with a couple of AC-5 cab forwards.

I think a big part of which engine to purchase is when you want to get it. Get a pre-order in and wait, find one at a store, or on the used market places. Looks like Trix, Rivarossi, MTH, or a brass model are your other choices, at least for Big Boy. I also know several have done the 4014 oil tender and BLI is updating with PTC equipment in their next run (no ETA on their site). Also just checked. Athearn will be tooling their next run with the PTC equipment. Unfortunately, Athearn is having a production timing problem. I think they announced the next run of Big Boys a couple of months ago. Thus, it could be late 2026, or 2027 before those are on the shelves. Which goes back to my timing statement on when you want something in your hands. 

Mike ONeill
Parker, CO

Date: 11/08/24 20:50
Re: Big Boy
Author: PHall

Best thing you could do to a BLI model is rip that smoke unit out and replace it with a GOOD speaker.

Date: 11/09/24 05:17
Re: Big Boy
Author: gandydancer4

Thanks, Mike

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