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Model Railroading > Digitrax Question

Date: 11/25/24 19:15
Digitrax Question
Author: bmalonef45

Contemplating making a change to Digitrax for my N-Scale layout. Looking at the EVOX or the EVOXD. I understand that the duplex version offers a wireless experience with more flexibility of picking up or dropping locomotives while not plugged in. There is a significant price difference of around $150 for the system and then about $50 difference each for additional throttles. I have a triple decked layout with a long double mainline that takes about 20 min to complete a full circut. It's in two connected rooms with a couple smaller rooms (closet sized) for staging adjacent to them. The current system I use is not wireless and It's not that big of a deal to me as there isn't a lot of walking required to run the layout. The main reason I'm switching over is better/easier signalling options. Is the duplex system worth it or should I keep it simple?

Date: 11/25/24 20:47
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: mcdeo

The wireless option you mention is 'duplex', which is better than the older 'simplex' proprietary wireless system. DON'T DO IT!! Get the system you need for your layout, a Zephyr DCS52 can handle 20 concurrent locos with 20 throttles in operation. You can go bigger later with boosters and so forth, that's another long discussion.

Get one LNWI and a Wi-Fi throttle, or use your phone. I don't like phones, but some people do. TCS and ESU have Wi-Fi enabled throttles and others are coming online, some are home grown. You won't regret going Wi-Fi. I've been 100% Wi-Fi with 3 LNWI, support up to 8 people running for 4 hours per session, have never had a problem in 37 sessions! In fact, 3 of the people that operated, the next day they purchased a TCS throttle. Nearly 20 operators out here in the Denver area have their own Wi-Fi throttle and bring it with them to various layouts. The same experience for most layouts, it's a great investment. Wish everyone supported Wi-Fi connections...hint, hint. 

Do you need to get a throttle for each of your operators? No. They can use their phones until they purchase a throttle they like. It's a choice. I provide throttles for my crew as I hate phones and didn't want to make people get their own throttle. Another owner out here does not provide throttles, but phones or guest Wi-Fi ones are allowed. It is all choice. 

It also sounded like your current non-wireless system is not Digitrax. If it was, just get an LNWI, which supports up to 4 Wi-Fi connections. If you have Loconet, you can add and layer on all kinds of hardware for signalling, boosters, detection, etc. Which the DCS52 can be the brains of your layout and you can add everything else. I have a DSC50, yes, that old, and it can operate my entire layout, with 8 people, full CTC, using CATS with JRMI under the hood. So you can go inexpensive and grow as needed. 

For the DCC system, use the system you are comfortable with and/or have others near by. In fact. TCS may be an option, as it has LCC available and Wi-Fi built in. You'll get a lot of discussions on 'which way should the toliet paper roll go', but whatever you get, go Wi-Fi! 

Wi-Fi is here. No need for any proprietary 'wireless' option ever again. Save money, have fun, and join the 21st century. 

OK, off soapbox. 

Mike ONeill
Parker, CO

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/24 20:53 by mcdeo.

Date: 11/25/24 20:49
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: ATSFSuperCap

I ran Digitrax with duplex radio and NCE on my layout.    It is divided into 8 grand blocks with rotary switches so either system could be used on any one block.   I had numerous problems with the Digitrax system, parts went to Digitrax several times without curing the issues.    The NCE was much easier to use and straight forward programing friendly which Digitrax is absolutely NOT.    I eventually standardized on NCE adding more throttles and selling the Digitrax stuff.   At least see if you can try an NCE system before deciding.     Additonally, I had to pay Digitrax to repair the throttles, when my NCE failed I sent it in and NCE replaced it with new for NO CHARGE.

Date: 11/25/24 21:43
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: bmalonef45

Thanks for the great feedback so far. I am currently using a NCE system I've had for nearly 30 years and I love the way it runs the layout but I've never been able to figure out the signalling aspect. A year ago I started down the path of using the Digitrax BDL-168 with my NCE system (see attached image). The blocks are all wired and the layout runs but I can't get the detection aspect to work. I think the last I knew I was told that my issue was not having the locoNET part of ths system in place. If I could get the block occupancy figured out, I wouldn't change, but out of frustration (from not being an electrical guy) I figured I would just cave and get the Digitrax system that could power the other Digitrax elements correctly to get me the signalling I've been wanting. If someone could point me in the right direction, I'd happily use the money I'd planned to replace the system for other signalling elements.

The NCE system runs my 40+ SMAIL turnout machines perfectly and I feel like I'm so close, but yet so far away. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. I'd like to get the control and electrical finished so I can get to my strength which is scenery and the artistic side of the modeling. 

Date: 11/25/24 22:00
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: tracktime

During the pandemic, some DCC systems were in short supply.  My first choice was a radio-equipped DCC system, but they were exceedingly difficult to find at the time, so I settled for a non-radio NCE Powerhouse Pro setup instead.  As it turned out, not getting the radio was the right move, as I now use a WiFiTrax interface to connect my TCS WiFi throttles to my NCE system.  The WiFi system has been utterly flawless in operation, and I enjoy the intuitive and ergonomic TCS WiFi throttles that I have on hand.

Whichever system you choose - NCE, TCS or Digitrax, WiFi is the way to go for tetherless throttle control.  As for signaling, you may want to look around at modelrailroadcontrolsystems.com - there are a variety of signaling systems that can operate with or independently of your current NCE system.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/24 22:03 by tracktime.

Date: 11/25/24 22:04
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: mcdeo

NCE can add Wi-Fi and there are several NCE compatible detection/signalling options.

I think the easiest option, since you're down the rabbit hole, is to get the loconet to work on the BDL-16's and add SE's for driving signals (SE74 for today, or SE8C's are the older components.) You'll need to get to JMRI or CATS on top of JMRI anyway and you can get a PR4 for the communication between the digitrax stuff and signaling software. Think of them as 2 different networks: DCC via NCE and Loconet for the signaling and detection. That I think would be the shortest path. Not always ideal to mix and match, but like we're talking, DCC is solid on your layout and you want to just add signaling. And the Snails can provide feedback to loconet (SE74's for example), which would tell the loconet which way the turnout is thrown, then the dispatch panel can get feedback and send a DCC signal to the device. RR CirKits http://rr-circuits.com/ makes NCE to loconet adapters. 

Or, you could add LCC to the layout, using the BDL's and add any kind of Loconet or LCC signaling. CATS works with LCC. Not sure what kind of dispatch panel you are planning. 

Mike ONeill
Parker, CO

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/25/24 22:09 by mcdeo.

Date: 11/25/24 23:28
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: funnelfan

I've found the Digitrax wireless systems to be VERY unreliable. It's so much more reliable to use the LNWI so you can connect Wifi throttles to the digitrax system. I have a TCS UWT50P that I love.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 11/26/24 06:40
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: BAB

Digitrax has problems with there new items not being compatible with the older items sometimes I was told. There RC throttle has a tiny screen hard to see buttons are another problem big fingers dont like them. Looses its mind if the throttle isn't moved for about five minuets. My NCE system at home works great doesn't even need instructions to run for the most part. All of there devices I have used for switch's and such work and install easy.

Date: 11/26/24 09:30
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: JUTower

Chiming in here.  I'm using NCE for power/throttle, turnout control, and detection with the BD-20s.  But I use the LocoBuffer USB as the minimal Loconet interface needed for JMRI/CATS to interface with the SE-8C's that I'm using for signal drivers.
Certainly, you can also use the Digitrax detection in that configuration as well.  But the "RR Cirkits" LocoBuffer USB is a good way to address the Loconet needs provided you're planning to use a PC for the dispatcher/system interface.

Date: 11/26/24 10:03
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: SPDRGWfan

Since I was still building my current layout, I waited on purchasing a new DCC system to replace the old Digitrax Chief.  As I was nearing the point of getting the layout operational, TCS began offering their new DCC system based on the CS-105 command station and wifi wireless UWT-100 throttles.  In recent weeks I have been getting locos programmed and playing with the system and so far It's been a breeze to consist locos and run trains now.  The wifi throttles have performed very well and the menu driven operatoin is easy to follow.

Jim Fitch

Date: 11/26/24 17:56
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: WrongWayMurphy

Like some others here, I use the Digitrax LNWI for local WiFi and use the TSC WiFi throttles.
Some guys that come operate like to use their phone with the WiFI throttle app, and they connect
these to the LNWI's.  The LNWI can handle 4 throttles each and I have two of them hooked up 
to accommodate 8 throttles at one time.  I also have a ProtoThrottlewhich is also used with the LNWI.

The Digitrax Zephyr is my power source for the track, but don't use it to run trains from that command station. I am not a fan of Digitrax throttles, but the other items they make seem to be ok.

I can't comment on the signaling aspect as I have none on my pike.

Date: 12/01/24 18:35
Re: Digitrax Question
Author: bigmc83

I have the duplex on a smaller layout, and even before I moved, I could operate the layout in a different room with the duplex.  I also have the wifi module that is very nice.  The best part is having options as you can have the wifi and duplex radio running simultaniously.  You state that you are just fine with tethered operation at the moment, so I say just go with that.  If you have a friend or are able to test out a duplex throttle and receiver on your layout, then you can get some good testing without major costs.  I like the UT6 cabs from Digitrax, and I think the 602 cab is OK, but the TCS wifi throttles are really nice and easy to use.  

My vote is get the non wireless, and if you want to upgrade, just buy the parts later.  Ebay can be your friend on scoring the duplex radio parts at a discount.


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