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Model Railroading > New York Central E7A, E7B

Date: 12/31/24 13:58
New York Central E7A, E7B
Author: Frank30

A  number of years ago,  perhaps 15, I gave my friend  a pair of Proto 2000 New York Central  engines, EMD E7A/E7B in the two tone
lightning bolt scheme.  He has helped me with my project over the years and this was a thank you for that.   His project  has kept him
busy enough such that he never used the engines. Fast forward 15 years and I gave him a NCE Power Cab system to operate the
engines.  I have used System One and then NCE as my DCC control system since the very beginning in the 90s so I am familiar
with decoders and sound, etc.  I opened up the engine today and found QSI Quantum operating system, vintage before 8 or 9 pin
decoders, let alone 21 pin!  I looked in the Walthers book, they do offer the engine, but not the NYC scheme.  So the question is
is there a manufacturer who is currently offering what I am looking for.  That might be the quickest way to resolve this matter.
I can update the QSI with SoundTraxx later.    Anybody know  of a source?  Thanks.

Date: 01/01/25 10:14
Re: New York Central E7A, E7B
Author: NiagaraMike

Check the Rapido Trains website they have done E Units!

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