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Model Railroading > Tampa Northern, it's been a while

Date: 12/31/24 14:27
Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: SALGUY

Happy New Year from the crew here at the Tampa Northern.  I feel we've made great progress on the road in 2024.  I'm looking forward to more progress and more growth in 2025. 
It's been a while since I've posted anything about the Tampa Northern.  Now that winter is here, it's time to begin working on the layout. As a reminder, the Tampa Northern is less than 2 years old. 

The past week iI've been installing screw in eveyebolts for the main buss on the upper level.  Today, I finally got them all installed.  As of right now, the black wire for the buss has been installed.  Tomorrow, I'll get the red wire installed and then will start connecting power drops to the busses.  I'll be using suitcase connectors for that task. 

While downstait's I decided to stage a few photos, let's check them out. 

Photo 1.  A northbound piggyback, with 2 F45s for power, hustle through Plant City and Plant City tower.  This power shows the Tampa Northerns commitment to maintaining its high standard of 89mph max speed. 

Photo 2.  A northbound mt hopper train is bound for Hamlet, NC and then to interchange with the Clinchfield at Bostic, NC.  The reason for all the power, SD45, SDP35, SDP35, SD45 is there is a loaded train ready for interchange
We've got a Chesterfield Wheelright loaded coal train to pick up.

Photo 3.  Another view of the power headed for Hamlet, Bostic and the Clinchfield.  Man, the corporate paint scheme sure is apparent in this photo. 

Again, Happy New Year.  if you havent already visited the Tampa Northern, please make a New Years resolution to do so. 

Denis Blake, CEO, CFO, CMO...


Date: 12/31/24 15:24
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: Notch7

Nice looking trains Denis.  Happy modeling in 2025.

Date: 12/31/24 16:36
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: SALGUY

Thank You and Happy New Year to you as well. 

Date: 12/31/24 17:26
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: SALGUY

Photo 4.  A cut of roofhatch ice reefers sits on the ice house track.  I really do need to paint and weather that building and platform.  It's front and center on the layout so its got to look good. 

Date: 12/31/24 18:41
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: boejoe

Thanks for the pics Denis.  Happy New Year to you as well.

Date: 12/31/24 20:41
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: wabash2800

Thanks for sharing. I like your concept and paint schemes. HNY.

Victor Baird

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/31/24 20:41 by wabash2800.

Date: 01/01/25 05:16
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: SALGUY

boejoe Wrote:
> Thanks for the pics Denis.  Happy New Year to you
> as well.
> jb

You are welcome.  Happy New Year to you as well.   DB

Date: 01/01/25 05:20
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: SALGUY

wabash2800 Wrote:
> Thanks for sharing. I like your concept and paint
> schemes. HNY.
> Victor Baird

Thank You.  I don't know that I've posted all of the paint schemes. I guess I should do so.  There is a yard power scheme, a road power scheme, the Citrus Express scheme and then there is the let's give this a try scheme that actually came out pretty darn nice.  For 2025 I'm working on something very special.  


Date: 01/01/25 11:54
Re: Tampa Northern, it's been a while
Author: inyosub

Be nice if you could tie in the Citrus Express paint scheme with how you color and weather that building (ice house)Cheers in the New Year

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