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Model Railroading > Tampa Northern Passenger service and more

Date: 01/05/25 11:38
Tampa Northern Passenger service and more
Author: SALGUY

Now that I've got about 85 percent of the upper level running, I can have a bit of fun.

Video 1.  Tampa Northern is handling the SALs West Coast section of the Silver Meteor.  Man, those FP45s look awesome.  

Video 2.  3 Tampa Northern units handle an MT hopper train, with ease.  The leader and the trailer are experimental units, with regard to color.  

Video 3.  Three 45 series units handle that se mt hopper train. In the spring the UP SD45T-2 will head to the Tampa  Northern paint for it's coat of Gulf Blue.

Please be sure to follow the Tampa NNorthern.



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Date: 01/05/25 12:35
Re: Tampa Northern Passenger service and more
Author: boejoe

Thanks for posting Denis.  Nice to see some action for a change.

Date: 01/05/25 12:59
Re: Tampa Northern Passenger service and more
Author: SALGUY

boejoe Wrote:
> Thanks for posting Denis.  Nice to see some
> action for a change.
> jb

You are welcome, and I agree!  The upper level just needs two connections to be made and it will be complete.  The issue is where they are.  They are on the 3rd level, at the back of the helix.  Next weekend I'm going to figure how to get back there and get it done. 

Date: 01/05/25 13:52
Re: Tampa Northern Passenger service and more
Author: callen77

The operation is really coming together nicely, kudos!

Date: 01/05/25 14:12
Re: Tampa Northern Passenger service and more
Author: SALGUY

callen77 Wrote:
> The operation is really coming together nicely,
> kudos!

Thank you and I agree, it is coming along nicely.  I'd like to have had the level complete by now.  The issue was that I spent all of spring, summer and fall painting equipment.  It's nice to finally be working on the actual railroad.  


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/05/25 19:45 by SALGUY.

Date: 01/06/25 20:52
Re: Tampa Northern Passenger service and more
Author: WP921

Nice progress report Denis.  All your motive power looks good - but in your recent posts, I found my attention frequently drawn to your SAL SDP35 units.  Out West we had Union Pacific and Southwest Portland Cement Company to satisfy our SDP35 craving.  I bet those SAL SDP35's would look good on that passenger train!


Date: 01/07/25 19:45
Re: Tampa Northern Passenger service and more
Author: SALGUY

WP921 Wrote:
> Nice progress report Denis.  All your motive
> power looks good - but in your recent posts, I
> found my attention frequently drawn to your SAL
> SDP35 units.  Out West we had Union Pacific and
> Southwest Portland Cement Company to satisfy our
> SDP35 craving.  I bet those SAL SDP35's would
> look good on that passenger train!
> Gary

Gary, the SDPs were often found on the Silver Comet, not so much on the Meteor.  The SAL also liked to use them on Wheelright coal trains off of the CRR at Bostic.   

They were also frequentlying used on mail amd express trains, sometimes with 3 units being used.  I do have a very nice mail and express train to run.  Rest assured, when the time comes, those SDP35s will frequently be the power for those trains.  

Thanks, DB

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/25 20:45 by SALGUY.

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