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Model Railroading > Can you say SW1001 ?

Date: 01/08/25 16:22
Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: inyosub

Bowser announced an all new model of these. Nice
At least someone is thinking outside the box with new models. 
Check your inbox or Bowser website.

Date: 01/08/25 17:17
Re: Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: tracktime

Also covered previously here:

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/08/25 17:25 by tracktime.

Date: 01/09/25 08:22
Re: Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: mcdeo

I'm still thinking other manufacturers are about to announce their options. Such a huge requested unit over the past several years. 

Mike ONeill
Parker, CO

Date: 01/09/25 10:04
Re: Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: inyosub

It figures Hrry would club me like a baby seal  (LOL)
it was so suble I missed it.
We got a few announcements coming.
I like these, not sure which one I can own.
Didn't one of the copper haulers have one second hand
that was heavily modified?

Date: 01/09/25 22:37
Re: Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: tracktime

inyosub Wrote:
> It figures Hrry would club me like a baby seal 
> (LOL)
> it was so suble I missed it.
> We got a few announcements coming.
> I like these, not sure which one I can own.
> Didn't one of the copper haulers have one second
> hand
> that was heavily modified?

LOL.. Just kidding! =). I never kept a tight track of SW1001 owners. Generally, to me, SW1001s are more of an East Coast thing, or a denizen of steel mills or both.  That said, the latest issue of Diesel Era has a nice article detailing many of the owners and operators of SW1001s.   See here;  https://dieselera.com/current-issue/


Date: 01/10/25 08:10
Re: Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: NYSWSD70M

tracktime Wrote:
> inyosub Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > It figures Hrry would club me like a baby
> seal 
> > (LOL)
> > it was so suble I missed it.
> > We got a few announcements coming.
> > I like these, not sure which one I can own.
> > Didn't one of the copper haulers have one
> second
> > hand
> > that was heavily modified?
> LOL.. Just kidding! =). I never kept a tight track
> of SW1001 owners. Generally, to me, SW1001s are
> more of an East Coast thing, or a denizen of steel
> mills or both.  That said, the latest issue of
> Diesel Era has a nice article detailing many of
> the owners and operators of SW1001s.   See here;
>  https://dieselera.com/current-issue/
> Cheers,
> Harry

The 1001 was generally not a Class 1 locomotive.  The exception was the Reading and as such Conrail?CSX/NS.  Personally, I would like to have one of the Coors and/or Ford units.

Date: 01/10/25 09:42
Re: Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: SPDRGWfan

I was always a bit curious what was the deal with SW1001 since they were never on my radar.  Yet there have been a number of people requesting them for years.  Now I know a ilttle more than I used to!

Date: 01/10/25 10:14
Re: Can you say SW1001 ?
Author: inyosub

I would go for a  Coors one, as I have one of the old Athearn ones that were custom done. 
I guess I might get one of the Galveston Wharves ones as I'd been down there when they 
were their main form of power.
I do see they have an eastern slant.Cheers

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