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Model Railroading > Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!

Date: 01/09/25 20:18
Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: BoilingMan

I was 32yrs with Amtrak as an LSA (Managing diners & cafes).  Over the years I worked a fair share of Amtrak's car types.  At some point I started collecting models of each car type I was assigned to at one point or another.  The collection is still shy 2 significant cars:  The California Diner and Coach Cafe (8800 & 6300 series).  ANYTIME, ATHEARN!)   The cars I worked that were "formers" a bought the originals rather that the Amtrak versions.  The El Cap Lounge became the Pacific Parlour Car, the El Cap diners became the Desert Wind's diner/lounge, and one of the Great Northern's "Great Domes" survived to be Amtrak's very last dome.  I worked it on a WP/GN Inside Gateway charter.
I've power it with an F40 and F59, the first and last locomotives I worked behind.   If I wanted to touch every base I could add a P-30, Dash 8, CF-7, and SW1. 
After a loop around the magnificent Crockett Club layout (thank you Fivechime!)  I boxed my dog's breakfast of a train and moved on to thing a bit more dignified:  An SP Mail Train set (not complete yet)

Oh, the UPRR Dome Diner?  When the 4014 came to LA a couple years ago I got a phone call: "Didn't you work for Amtrak?  They need a few more car attendants on the Barstow Excursion- quick!"   I drove down and was assigned the train's dome diner- My last(?) RR job..

Date: 01/09/25 20:19
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: BoilingMan


Date: 01/10/25 00:16
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: funnelfan

Interesting collection. I'm sure you could tell us a lot about how the interiors of the cars functioned well or not.

Ted Curphey
Ontario, OR

Date: 01/10/25 03:36
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: CSX2605

That is so cool! Nice collection you have that tells a great story. Maybe you should write a book about your experiences over all those years. Sounds like you are retired so congratulations on your years with Amtrak! It's not totally out of the question that your first year with Amtrak I could have been on a train you were working. Took the Chief from Chicago out to LA to see my sister in the 90's. Took the train twice and went by air one time.

Date: 01/10/25 03:52
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: BoilingMan

I hired out in ‘84 and worked Long Distance trains out of LA until ‘91. In 1992 10 of us transferred to Oakland to launch the new California Corridor service. I stayed on the Capitols through to retirement in 2016.
The Chief was my first bid assignment in about 1986-88 and I moved to the Starlight 89-91.
So, no, I was already on the CC by the time of your trip.

I once asked Doyle (4449) if he’d ever consider writing a book about his experiences. He said sure, but if he told the truth he’d likely spend the rest of his days tied up in litigation.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/10/25 04:52 by BoilingMan.

Date: 01/10/25 06:59
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: 3rdswitch

Great idea and great job.

Date: 01/10/25 08:51
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: M-636

You can certainly tell Oakland built the modern train, with that Amfleet car stuck between the Bi-levels!

Date: 01/10/25 09:06
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: BoilingMan

Ha! The cars are arranged, as best I can remember, in the order I first worked them (and in the color scheme phase they wore at the time).
The first car is a sleeper. I was told to ride a sleeper LAX-SBA on 14, and return on 11. I was to help the attendant if needed. This was done to establish my seniority date.
Then I did my LSA training on the San Diegan (Amfleet) and on the Chief (Superliner 33000).

Date: 01/10/25 12:16
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: JUTower

Great idea. I love it!

Date: 01/10/25 12:48
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: BoilingMan

funnelfan Wrote:
> Interesting collection. I'm sure you could tell us
> a lot about how the interiors of the cars
> functioned well or not.

Oooooh ya
The ATSF Diner/Lounge conversation was insanely bad! The Great Dome was a pain, only made up by the fact the car itself was cool. Once the ATSF Lounge was modified for Parlour Car service it was okay (but I only ever worked it pre PPC). All the rest were okay once you mastered their specific “work-arounds”.

Date: 01/11/25 17:35
Re: Odd, Yes, But I Can Explain!
Author: atsf121

Great looking trains!  I sure hope Athearn delivers the California Cars this year, I have only been wanting them for 30 years now!  :)


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