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Model Railroading > Remember Marx?

Date: 01/22/25 14:23
Remember Marx?
Author: bandob

A toy train from the 1950's, Marx Lines. Our RR club just got a donation of this 1950's era diesel freight set. Certainly not scale, but really "tinplate."

B&O Bill

Date: 01/22/25 14:52
Re: Remember Marx?
Author: chakk

Quite the "kitbashed" appearance.  E-7 side louvers, FT window portholes, Almost-an-Alco nose...

Date: 01/22/25 14:54
Re: Remember Marx?
Author: wabash2800

Thanks for sharing. I know that Marx had been around for years, but was Marx the lower cost alternative when Lionel and American Flyer were going strong? I had a Marx, plastic HO train set in the 1960s and it was made cheaply.

Victor Baird

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/22/25 15:05 by wabash2800.

Date: 01/22/25 17:47
Re: Remember Marx?
Author: moonliter

My childhood Marx train set (Christmas 1959) comes out every holiday season.  When I became a parent I set up a plastic HO set...it didn't see the new year.  The following year I dug out my old set, bought a few more cars, cleaned and serviced the locomotive.  The set has survived the two sons and only has to face two granddaughters for the next 5 to 10 years.

Gerry Gaugl
Ottawa ON

Date: 01/22/25 18:16
Re: Remember Marx?
Author: boejoe

wabash2800:  Yes, the lower cost alternative to Lionel and AF.

Date: 01/22/25 20:27
Re: Remember Marx?
Author: FiveChime

Here is mine, now all packed away.
Had some value 15-20 years ago but most of  the folks that remembered are now gone!
Regards, Jim Evans

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Date: 01/22/25 21:57
Re: Remember Marx?
Author: railstiesballast

Great Stuff!
Here is a Lionel set handed to me by my aunt after her kids had grown up with specific instructions that it was not "mine" but our son's.
Much later, after he had moved out, and with his permission I gave it to a friend who had two young sons.
It was some sort of promotional set, note the lettering.

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