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Model Railroading > TrainWorld.com Sale

Date: 01/24/25 20:17
TrainWorld.com Sale
Author: tuxedorailfan

**DISCLAIMER** This post is not meant to brag about, merely passing the word along to those who appreciate a good deal. 

A few days ago a stumbled upon a few deals while browsing TrainWorld's website. They have excess stock of AC4400CW's and P40/P42's. I figured some of you may want to partake in the savings as well. 

I got the 3 SP AC4400's for $119.99 each and the two P40's for $99.99 each. Regular price at most retailers for the AC4400's is around $210 for the DCC ready versions. The P40/42's run between $159-179 for DCC ready at most other retailers. I feel that 5 high quality units for a total of $560 bucks is a good deal. Roughly $400 bucks in savings for the lot. 

For those wondering, the DCC and Tsunami sound equipped versions are also on sale. I'm not a Tsunami guy, so I went with DCC ready so I can add ESU and Scale Sound Systems speakers. 

The AC44's are $179-199 each depending on the road name. P40/42's are $149 if I remember correctly. The road names I saw for the AC44's were: CEFX, SP, CNW, CSX, KCS. The P40/42's have all kinds of paint schemes going on from the Phase 3 that I got up to the modern Heritage stuff. 

I rarely order from TrainWorld, but this was one of those deals that was hard to pass up. We've all stumbled across them at one point or another. Just figured I would pass the word around for anyone that may have been looking for a deal or these units for a fair price. I'm not sponsored by TrainWorld in any way (for the record).



Date: 01/24/25 20:42
Re: TrainWorld.com Sale
Author: BlackWidow

Do the DCC ready versions have DC stubs for a 21 pin DCC decoder?

Date: 01/24/25 20:45
Re: TrainWorld.com Sale
Author: emd_mrs1

They have a 3-day code word that gets you 10% off an order.... of course the day after I ordered.


Date: 01/24/25 20:51
Re: TrainWorld.com Sale
Author: tuxedorailfan

Yes, DCC ready has the board for 21 pin decoders

Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/25/25 08:58
Re: TrainWorld.com Sale
Author: atsf121

Thanks for the heads up Dylan.


Posted from iPhone

Date: 01/26/25 07:20
Re: TrainWorld.com Sale
Author: CPR_4000

TW has very good sales, sometimes. I got a BLI GG-1 for ~ $180 last year. Do they announce sales via email?

Date: 01/28/25 12:38
Re: TrainWorld.com Sale
Author: tuxedorailfan

I stumbled upon this sale just browsing. I’m not on their email list.

Posted from iPhone

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