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Model Railroading > Fascia and Central Camp ...

Date: 02/03/25 11:35
Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: Jeff_Johnston

It's not a major earth-shaking development but it's good to finish the mechanical part of returning Central Camp to operation. It's been far too long! Next up will be scenery, finally. Jeff Johnston 


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/03/25 11:44 by Jeff_Johnston.

Date: 02/03/25 14:07
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: wabash2800

Thanks Jeff. It looks great. Personally, I've never been much for track diagrams on the fascia other than location names. I feel that crews, like the real thing, should learn the territory.

Victor Baird

Posted from Android

Date: 02/03/25 14:22
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: Lighter

> Thanks Jeff. It looks great. Personally, I've
> never been much for track diagrams on the fascia
> other than location names. I feel that crews, like
> the real thing, should learn the territory.

Isn't it more for knowing how a turnout is thrown or power distributed?

Date: 02/03/25 16:03
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: Jeff_Johnston


Yes, this part of the layout is second level and fairly high, so the LED indicators are so the operator knows which way those switches are thrown. At 6'6 I can see them, but not everyone can, though they'll have stepstools available, especially for the logging area atop the helix at 69" high. Not all switches get the indicator lights, just certain ones that can benefit from the indicators.


Date: 02/03/25 16:14
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: Jeff_Johnston


I'm sure if you visited our layout you'd see all kind of things you don't agree with and that you'd do them a different way. That's fine, each of us pursues this to achieve what we want in a layout, for operations or otherwise.

Our layout choices are often based on information gleaned from operating on others' layouts and observing what works and what doesn't work so well. We want our layout easy to understand even for first-time operators so that desire guides some of our hardware and equipment choices. I know I'd never walk into another pereson't layout and say "Gee, that's not how we do XXXX; We do XXXX for these reasons ..." unless the owner specifically asks me for an opinion.

To each his own, as they say.


Date: 02/03/25 16:44
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: wabash2800


That makes sense. I was thinking more about layouts that have the entire track diagram following the layout on the fascia even if is just single track with no turnouts. But like you, each to their own.

Victor Baird

Posted from Android

Date: 02/04/25 07:18
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: nydepot

Railroads produce all sorts of track charts and customer-specific track charts for employees to use. Right down to numbering individual track segments and doors. Why can't a modeler do it?

Date: 02/04/25 13:28
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: shadetree

New operators on my layout get a pilot on their first trip.  Engine light. Works great.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/25 13:29 by shadetree.

Date: 02/04/25 21:06
Re: Fascia and Central Camp ...
Author: Hillcrest

Ehhh I love the diagrams, I called them schematics. I got to join a good sized club at 14 years old (with a very cool Sponsor) and just dug the track diagrams and lights. It made operating almost foolproof, and they kept me from looking 14 years old more than once....Good work on the layout Jeff.

Cheers, Dave

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