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Model Railroading > Stolen - Private 1" track in SacramentoDate: 09/13/05 11:06 Stolen - Private 1" track in Sacramento Author: Inthehole I guess live steam railroads are just like the real thing...lowlifes stealing essential parts of the railroad for operation.
140 feet of my private 4 3/4" track in Sacramento was stolen last Thrusday night. This includes 16 panels of track along with two switches. That constitutes a good portion of the 538 feet that was its previous total length. These guys knew what they were doing, taking the time to unscrew the fishplates as well as bringing along a nutdriver to unscrew rail from the platic ties. They were kind enough to leave one crossing panel for me (how generous!). My guess is that they took the track for the aluminum (hopefully to help hurricane victims, but I doubt it). Date: 09/13/05 11:07 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: Inthehole They were also kind enough to leave my ground throws, by unscrewing the points...after all, they were steel and not worth as much as the silver stuff.
Date: 09/13/05 11:07 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: Inthehole Date: 09/13/05 11:08 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: Inthehole Date: 09/13/05 11:58 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: map The thieves should be tried, convicted, and then shot.
map Date: 09/13/05 12:37 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: hapynzap Seems to be a trend - stealing for scrap metal
Anyways to check local recycling places? Did ya file a police report? Date: 09/13/05 13:33 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: KeyRouteKen "Seems to be a Trend" you say !!
Yeah, well, here's a trendsetter for you to gaze at: This past week two men were attempting to steal copper power cable from a location in FIFE, WA (just North of Tacoma,WA)... A stones throw from UP's Yard in the "Reservation" area... They THOUGHT it was a LOW VOLTAGE line, so they threw a ROPE over it to pull it down so they could cut it up and make their retreat. The electricity traveled down the ROPE and ELECTROCUTED one guy and horribly BURNED the other guy.. The line was 55,000 Volts !!! What part of STUPID didn't they understand ?? KRK Date: 09/13/05 18:01 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: Frisco1522 Sounds like a candidate for the Darwin Award.(The electocuted jerk)
The thievery goes to show you there's never a shortage of a--holes out there. Perhaps if they are caught, they could be caned with the aluminum rail. Date: 09/13/05 19:19 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: SantaFeCF7 Inthehole,
My empathies go out to you, I wish there were more that I could do. There must be a trend of thefts, break-ins, etc., maybe influenced by all of the lawlessness that has been reported down south. I was helping in Little Rock AR and also Baton Rouge with our Eugene, OR Red Cross disaster team, got my back injured and sent back home. I arrived at the station last Thursday (the 7th), was dropped off at the Red Cross Oregon Pacific Chapter office (coincidentally, across from the former SP RIP track and housed in the former SPRR Credit Union), and found my Astro van broke into, my stereo, all of my tools, (Some handed down from my Dad before he died) the full-size spare tire and rim, AND they siphoned the full tank of gas from it!! Date: 09/13/05 21:35 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: Mountain3106ATSF This is a crime. I think it would be safe to say: Some one needed the goods to support their drug habit.
I have noticed an increase in theft in our community. In keeping with what SantaFeCF7, said in a previous post. During the night someone liberated the gas in my car. Hit me twice in one week. Half a tank each time. The gas, I am sure, was used to keep a drug delivery vehicle going. You know the one's with the boom, boom boxes, blaring solid base and can be heard in the middle of the night, blocks away. Kinda of like an ice cream truck, however the business they are conducting is either pimping or selling illegal drugs. Don't ask for ice cream. I do hope the law catches the culprits. By now the tracks may have been melted down into ingots and fenced. RickH Date: 09/13/05 22:54 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: poomfasa It seems like few auto makers have thought of this. Putting the security latch that has to be pulled from inside the car to gain access the tank is a good idea. My Nissan Xterra does not have this. My Acura and previous Hondas did though. Although I'd like see someone siphon my tank with the motion sensor floodlights and webcams.
As far as the track is concerned - there's some pretty big jackasses out there and unfortunately they paid a visit to something that I'd go as far as to say it was a labor of love. Not only is it expensive I know from experience it's not easy laying it. I hope they're caught. And burninated. Date: 09/14/05 07:31 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: trakmous Buy a device called 'Driveway Monitor". Place the monitor where the beam would be broken if someone walks through it. Place the receiver by your bedside. It will wake you up. Both are battery powered and the batteries last a long time. The device will also find lost pets that try to come home in the middle of the night.
Date: 09/14/05 07:54 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: Mountain3106ATSF trakmous Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Buy a device called 'Driveway Monitor". Place the > monitor where the beam would be broken if someone > walks through it. Place the receiver by your > bedside. It will wake you up. Both are battery > powered and the batteries last a long time. The > device will also find lost pets that try to come > home in the middle of the night. These are the kind of tips I appreciate. Where might I be able to buy one of these units Wall Mart, K Mart, Sears, Auto Zone? Good idea. RickH Date: 09/14/05 09:43 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: BlackWidow Wonder if the guy who got burned trying to steal the copper wire will sue the electic company for damages, saying the electrical line was unsafe?
Date: 09/14/05 14:45 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: wabash2800 Mountain3106ATSF Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > > These are the kind of tips I appreciate. Where > might I be able to buy one of these units Wall > Mart, K Mart, Sears, Auto Zone? > > Good idea. Radio Shack for sure. Date: 09/14/05 14:58 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: CPRR I would start checking Ebay, both in the live steam section, and building materials. This is an outrage.
Date: 09/14/05 18:18 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: SantaFeCF7 poomfasa Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > It seems like few auto makers have thought of > this. Putting the security latch that has to be > pulled from inside the car to gain access the tank > is a good idea. My Nissan Xterra does not have > this. My Acura and previous Hondas did though. > Although I'd like see someone siphon my tank with > the motion sensor floodlights and webcams. > Problem is, they had already smashed my window and taken my stereo out, so they had inside access. Date: 09/14/05 18:21 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: SantaFeCF7 trakmous Wrote:
------------------------------------------------------- > Buy a device called 'Driveway Monitor". Place the > monitor where the beam would be broken if someone > walks through it. Place the receiver by your > bedside. It will wake you up. Both are battery > powered and the batteries last a long time. The > device will also find lost pets that try to come > home in the middle of the night. That is a great idea for home break-in and car thefts. Unfortunately for me, my car was stored at our Red Cross Chapter Office though, and I was in Little Rock, AR and/or Baton Rouge, LA when the break-in/thefts occured. Date: 09/14/05 19:28 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: AC4400CWGEVO Right here...
http://froogle.google.com/froogle?q=Driveway+Monitor&hl=en&lr=&sa=N&tab=ff&oi=froogler Ac4400cwgevo Date: 09/14/05 19:38 Re: Stolen - Private 1 Author: Clarence I can remember a couple of guys crisping themselves trying to steal electric power wire off the pole back in the sixties. Dad the fireman said they had to wait for the power company to safe the line before they could put them out. So that particular theft goes way back.
Clarence |