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Passenger Trains > Anyone recognize this car?

Date: 10/28/24 13:29
Anyone recognize this car?
Author: scraphauler

Sitting outside the Candor NC shops of the Aberdeen Carolina & Western.  I can't tell if this is an interurban or super old coach.  Always something interesting sitting around the back of the shop as their collection of toys grows,  I believe that is caboose running gear between the car on flat and stripped switch engine.  

Date: 10/28/24 13:38
Re: Anyone recognize this car?
Author: boejoe

The arched windows at the end suggest (to me) a former interurban vs old coach.

Date: 10/28/24 14:23
Re: Anyone recognize this car?
Author: pdt

Really old passenger cars had open vestibules.    The arched end windows are typical Jewett, but lack of arched side windows suggests there has been some rebuilding here.

Date: 10/28/24 14:43
Re: Anyone recognize this car?
Author: dan

i always assumed it was interurban/ street car or something from other pics,  any other pics of the back lot front lot?

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