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Passenger Trains > Beech Grove

Date: 11/21/24 06:10
Beech Grove
Author: cutboy1958

  Drove  up  to  Beech  Grove  shops  tuesday  to see  if  they  still  do  tours.  We  enjoyed  a   few  pre-  covid.
Got  as  far  as  the  guard  who  got on  the  phone  with  a  supervisor  who boomed out " We  don't  do  that anymore".
Not  surprising  but  probably if  I  was  a  Senator  a  different  answer. Maybe  again sometime in the  future??

Driving  the    area   looking  thru  the  fences is  always  disturbing  to  so  many  cars!!  And  yes I  know  they
are  getting  them out.  Going  to  check  with Rail Passenger Association  today  and see if  they have  any updates
from Amtrak.

Drove  over to  Crawfordsville (a  lovely town  rich  architecture) checked out  the Amshack.  Very  well maintained
as    are  the  walkways  and  gardens  in the  area.  About  as  good  as  they  can hope  for    unless  someday
the  former  brick  depot  becomes  available. And  a  surprising  amount  of  eastbound  freights  while  we  were
in  town.

Date: 11/21/24 17:55
Re: Beech Grove
Author: Chessie1963

Too bad about the tours of the Grove.  Nice to hear about the station and how well it is kept.  I know that Claremont, NH does a great job with their station platform and shelter.  They actually put heaters in the shelter, and there is a bookshelf with books.  You can grab one for your trip and leave one for someone else.  Or not.  The volunteers that meet each train are great.  They have 20 and they take turns meeting the two daily trains.  Amtrak talked of cutting the stop a few years ago, but the city stepped up with improvements and made a real effort.

Let us know what you may learn at Beech Grove, if you can.  You have some connections, I think.

Date: 11/21/24 19:02
Re: Beech Grove
Author: dan

just mostly doing refreshes it seems to me at BG, maybe some local group will get a tour, you can get in on?

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