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Passenger Trains > Interesting Amtrak Alert

Date: 01/29/25 05:35
Interesting Amtrak Alert
Author: RevRandy

Saw this about the 2:28 late 49(28) at Erie, which had been doing pretty well until after Buffalo (left Depew on time).  I think sending it up to the Falls was a bad decision.  

Probbaly what the alert meant was that a mechanical crew from Niagara Falls was going to where the train actually was.

Date: 01/29/25 06:15
Re: Interesting Amtrak Alert
Author: randgust

After years of earning the nickname "Late for Sure" Limited, it has been doing a lot better than the western LD trains, on average, over the last 3 years.   I ride it regularly and it manages fairly well, particularly when you have a ton of padding in Albany.  The dispatching across CSX and NS is better than 10 years ago.  

But worn out down P42's and unreliable Chargers in the wings won't help.  We'll see how my trips go this season.

Yeah, the nearest Amtrak 'base' is Niagara Falls, hard to believe they would have actually sent the entire train up there, but possible.

Date: 01/29/25 11:28
Re: Interesting Amtrak Alert
Author: twropr

#49 suffered a HEP failure and spent 48 min in the siding at Erie.  Amtrak mechanical may have come over from Niagara Falls (about 100 miles east), as
issue was resolved. Prior delays before reaching Erie werw high wind warnings and stopping near Brocton when HEP firsr went out.

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