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International Railroad Discussion > Empty ore arriving in FBJ (Brazil)

Date: 01/31/23 18:23
Empty ore arriving in FBJ (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Here it is my last video recorded in my trip on MRS railroad Centro Line on 01/16.  We see an empty ore doing the curve after the Desengano bridge and heading to Barão de Juparanã yard (FBJ) where it will pass on way to Minas Gerais state to reach one of the many iron ore mines served by MRS trains.

1) The train doing the curve in low speed because it will stop to get licence to pass FBJ yard;

2 - 3)  AC44i 7231 has a yellow protection over the windshiel. Unit 7373 has a blue one.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/31/23 18:28
Re: Empty ore arriving in FBJ (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4) The video. For those who likes to watch the full train running, watch the video in my Youtube channel here https://youtube.com/@minasgeraisrailways1

It's all for now

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/31/23 18:39 by pedrop.

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Date: 01/31/23 22:20
Re: Empty ore arriving in FBJ (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Nice video of the empty ore train. Nice and green countryside. Liked the bike rider keeping pace with train.


Date: 02/02/23 09:21
Re: Empty ore arriving in FBJ (Brazil)
Author: 86235

Very nice, thanks!

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