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International Railroad Discussion > Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!

Date: 07/06/24 11:18
Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: RailRyder

Today the Ceres Rail Company operated their SAR Class 19D #3322 from Capetown, South Africa to Elgin, SA, about 50 miles of mainline running each way! The 4-8-2 named "Clare" was outshopped by the North British Locomotive Company of Glasgow, Scotland in 1949 and one of the most numerous classes of engines built for the SAR! She was ably assisted by a pair of Class 35 GE U15C's built in 1979. We had 13 cars (I think) that were packed full of mostly locals out for a great ride! The trip climbed through Sir Lowry's Pass, on one of the most famous and scenic mountain grades in South Africa! The consist was fantastic, the crew even better, and the sights and sounds of mainline running with lots of open windows was not to be missed, and all on Cape Gauge to boot! Outstanding Day!

-Jim Fetchero


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Date: 07/06/24 11:25
Re: Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: RailRyder

Here are a few more from today.


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Date: 07/06/24 11:37
Re: Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: RailRyder

And a few more shots of the day.


Date: 07/06/24 12:56
Re: Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: boejoe

Great scenery (except for lineside trash in one of the videos)  Beautiful Winter day there.  What was the average temperature?

Date: 07/06/24 13:26
Re: Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: RailRyder

Yes, especially in the "townships" there is a lot of trash along the line. Not very photogenic.

The temps today ranged from about 40 to 65 degrees, a perfect day for railfanning! It is supposed to start raining tomorrow for the next week, sadly.


Date: 07/06/24 14:00
Re: Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: train1275

Very nice videos !

I got hooked on South African steam when I bought the book, "The Shimmer of Steel" by Dennis Moore.

Date: 07/06/24 18:54
Re: Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: Utahfannz

Thanks Great video's and stills. Brings back memories following  "GEA"s up the Pass back in 1973

Date: 07/07/24 08:28
Re: Steam on Ceres Rail Company in South Africa Today!
Author: PHall

RailRyder Wrote:
> Yes, especially in the "townships" there is a lot
> of trash along the line. Not very photogenic.
> The temps today ranged from about 40 to 65
> degrees, a perfect day for railfanning! It is
> supposed to start raining tomorrow for the next
> week, sadly.
> -Jim

Well it is winter down there and they can use the rain.

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