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International Railroad Discussion > Conversation: Australia plans high-speed railDate: 09/16/24 22:48 Conversation: Australia plans high-speed rail Author: cph High-speed rail plans may finally end Australia’s 40-year wait to get on board
[...] Australia has debated and studied high-speed rail for four decades. The High Speed Rail Authority has begun work on a project that could finally deliver some high-speed rail in the 2030s. The ultimate plan is for a high-speed rail network to connect Brisbane, Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne and regional communities across the east coast. The network would help Australia in its urgent task to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transport. These continue to increase even as emissions from other sectors fall. [...] High-speed rail plans may finally end Australiaâs 40-year wait to get on board (theconversation.com) Project | High Speed Rail Authority | High Speed Rail Authority (hsra.gov.au) Date: 09/17/24 08:17 Re: Conversation: Australia plans high-speed rail Author: DKay Yes ,this subject comes up every few years. Usually around the time of a Federal Election.That would be march 25 I think. I'll believe it when work commences. They cant even finish the inland freight corridor.
Regards.DK |