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International Railroad Discussion > A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)

Date: 11/24/24 08:08
A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Yesterday the magnesite train C358 passed through my town with GM G12 4155 coming from Bahia state to Arcos yard (EAO) where it will replace another G12 that works as yard switcher with the limestone trains there. Here are some views of it here.

1 - 2)  U20C 2687 leading the small train C358 through EVP yard;

3) G12 4155 getting a ride to EAO yard, about 300km from my town.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 11/24/24 08:21
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4) U20C 3879 working as a DPU;

5) The train at KM 621 near ERE siding;

6) The video. 
That's all for now.



Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

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Date: 11/24/24 10:46
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: King_Coal

Thanks for sharing these. Interesting that they use DP on these trains. Is this the standard car count?


Date: 11/24/24 11:11
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

The C58 trains comes from an area with light rails and very sinuous curves, built in the 1920's. So they use DPU to avoid the derailments that were common there years ago. The lenght of the trains there are 15 to 45 cars with DPU 2x2 or 1x1.

King_Coal Wrote:
> Thanks for sharing these. Interesting that they
> use DP on these trains. Is this the standard car
> count?

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/24/24 11:14 by pedrop.

Date: 11/25/24 09:42
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Nice series and video, Enjoy the chug-chug of the U-boats.


Date: 11/27/24 07:26
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: OmahaTom

Great catches! I love exploring South American activity!

Tom Loftus
Omaha, NE

Date: 11/27/24 09:09
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Thanks Tom. There more posts coming in the following days.

OmahaTom Wrote:
> Great catches! I love exploring South American
> activity!

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 11/28/24 17:53
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: brc600

Videos on dual gauge track are not that common.

pedrop Wrote:
> Thanks Tom. There more posts coming in the
> following days.
> Pedro
> OmahaTom Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Great catches! I love exploring South American
> > activity!

Date: 11/30/24 21:11
Re: A rare G12 seen with train C358 ( Brazil)
Author: gonx

Thanks for sharing this.


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