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International Railroad Discussion > Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomotiveDate: 12/28/24 18:49 Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomotive Author: RuleG Not the most attractive station, but certainly distinctive!
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1024805856358383&set=a.564964419009198 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C5%8Dka_Station Date: 12/29/24 13:26 Re: Train station in Japan designed to look like a steam locomoti Author: cchan006 The namesake railroad Mooka Railway (pronounced like Mocha, the coffee, with a streteched "o") also runs a steam excursion on most weekends and holidays with a C-12 (2-6-2) tank engine. Northeast end of Mooka Railway is at Motegi, located in the same city as Twin Ring Motegi, oval racetrack used by American racing series in the past like NASCAR and CART.
Long walk from the station to the race track (almost 2 hours), so most people who visit Twin Ring Motegi drive, or take buses. As typical with many Japanese railroads, they try to do something to fit the theme, and in this case, a building that resembles a steam locomotive - 3 drivers = C12? Or it could be for the operable-by-compressed-air Class 9600 locomotive (Consolidation) stored in the building as part of the museum exhibit at the complex... but that one has 4 drivers. The station building is also corporate HQ for the Mooka Railway. |