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International Railroad Discussion > Train L218 (Brazil)

Date: 01/13/25 13:07
Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

Today morning I spent half an hour in EVP yard watching the locomotives parked on track 4. While I was there, I heard from the radio of one of the engines that the engineer of the train L218 asked permition to pass through the yard, so I wait a few minutes to watch it. Here are some pictures and a video taken there.

1 - 2) Two U20Cs and three Dash 9s parked on track 4;

3) The grass is growing on the U20C.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/25 13:36 by pedrop.

Date: 01/13/25 13:10
Re: Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

4 - 6) U20C x BB40-9W.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/13/25 13:17
Re: Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

7) Vale 1206 builder plate;

8) The unit received a bigger fuel tank last year;

9) Vale 1206 and two VLI sisters waiting the call to form the daily limestone train.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/25 13:37 by pedrop.

Date: 01/13/25 13:22
Re: Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

10) Another view of Vale 1206;

11) Vale 1206,VLI 6096, 6040, 2695 and 2540  on track 4. The U20Cs are the yard switchers;

12) VLI 8143, 8105 and 6510 arrived as train L218. L means "locomotive only" train.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/13/25 13:33
Re: Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: pedrop

13) The video.

That's all for now.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/13/25 13:38 by pedrop.

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Date: 01/14/25 02:41
Re: Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: E25

Thanks for your report, Pedro.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

Date: 01/15/25 19:47
Re: Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: Ritzville

Looks like you had an interesting time in the yard Pedro.


Date: 01/15/25 21:22
Re: Train L218 (Brazil)
Author: SP4360

Looks like N gauge on an HO layout. I see an addition to my bucket list. Great stuff Pedrop.

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