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International Railroad Discussion > EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil

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Date: 01/16/25 16:36
EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: pedrop

Today the first EMD battery powered SD70BBJ "Joule" produced to BHP in Australia left the EMD plant to be tested by MRS railroad. The unit is the first broad gauge locomotive to use the BB+BB trucks here. It run through my town in the evening under a big storm, so I could not see it by myself, but my friend Waldemar could take some pics since he lives in other town near here. Here are two pics from him. Tomorrow he can send me more. I am planning to go in search of it in Belo Horizonte to take my own pics.

1) MRS sent four AC / C44s to get it from EMD. These locomotives will test the Joule in Paraopeba Line between Belo Horizonte and Conselheiro Lafaiete;

2)The unit weights 280 metric tons. Not that it has the cab door in right side. The rear end is very different, for sure.

3) A pic from Ester Ribeiro.


Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 01/16/25 17:07 by pedrop.

Date: 01/16/25 17:31
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: DKay

Thanks for the photos Pedro. That thing is a beast. Will be interesting to see how they perform down here in the western desert conditions. 

Date: 01/16/25 18:16
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: SP4360

Definitly interesting. That handbrake wheel looks like it came from an old pickup.

Date: 01/16/25 19:13
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: SvenMolson

Yo Rezende!

Date: 01/16/25 20:15
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: Ritzville

Powerful looking unit!


Date: 01/17/25 05:49
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: bogieman

Excited to see this, thanks for posting Pedro. Look forward to see more pictures, especially closeups of the bogies. I wasn't involved with their design but look like they followed the meter gauge design closely.


Date: 01/17/25 06:53
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: Brian_P

Ugly locomotive.

Date: 01/17/25 09:48
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: PHall

Brian_P Wrote:
> Ugly locomotive.

I don't think appearance was ever a consideration when they designed it.

Date: 01/17/25 09:49
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: exhaustED

That's a nose tackle of a locomotive!

Date: 01/17/25 09:51
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: bogieman

Freight RR's have little interest in looks, it's all about performance and reliability, not to mention first and operating cost.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/25 09:53 by bogieman.

Date: 01/17/25 11:17
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: Brian_P

Still ugly

Date: 01/18/25 04:12
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: pedrop

4 - 5) The bogies. Pics from my friend Waldemar.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/18/25 06:18
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: bogieman

Thanks Pedro and Waldemar. Looks like the only visible change, other than the gauge, are the inclined dampers instead of the single centered damper.

Date: 01/18/25 06:38
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: pedrop

Yesterday I found the Joule at the P1-07 yard and could take some photos with the drone. It looks tge unit has a charge system on top. I started to download the pics to the computer. Soon I will post them here in TO.
They said me the unit will be tested for 30 days on the MRS "Ferrovia do Aço".

bogieman Wrote:
> Thanks Pedro and Waldemar. Looks like the only
> visible change, other than the gauge, are the
> inclined dampers instead of the single centered
> damper.
> Dave

Posted from Android

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/18/25 09:02 by pedrop.

Date: 01/20/25 12:24
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: 86235

Presumably those are accommodation bogies, isn't it a standard gauge line in Australia? Or will it be used in South Australia and/or Victoria?

Date: 01/20/25 13:16
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: bogieman

86235 Wrote:
> Presumably those are accommodation bogies, isn't
> it a standard gauge line in Australia? Or will it
> be used in South Australia and/or Victoria?

A special set of broad gauge bogies were built for testing in Brazil, the Australian bogies are standard gauge. The bolster will accommodate both.

Date: 01/20/25 16:02
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: pedrop

Vale mining is also interested in the SD70J to its broad gauge EFC rr, so the broad gauge truck can be used for it in the future.

bogieman Wrote:
> 86235 Wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------
> -----
> > Presumably those are accommodation bogies,
> isn't
> > it a standard gauge line in Australia? Or will
> it
> > be used in South Australia and/or Victoria?
> A special set of broad gauge bogies were built for
> testing in Brazil, the Australian bogies are
> standard gauge. The bolster will accommodate both.

Pedro Rezende
Vespasiano MG,

Date: 01/25/25 19:10
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: timz

Is it really 280 metric tons? What's that, 14% more than a DDA40X?

Date: 01/25/25 21:36
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: railstiesballast

Those bogies or trucks look like they are infected with something....:-)

Date: 01/26/25 04:48
Re: EMD SD70BBJ "Joule" to BHP started the tests in Brazil
Author: exhaustED

timz Wrote:
> Is it really 280 metric tons? What's that, 14%
> more than a DDA40X?

With 8 axles that gives it a similar axle load to a standard unit.

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