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International Railroad Discussion > A truck, a dog and a train on the same tracks (Braz)Date: 01/26/25 12:45 A truck, a dog and a train on the same tracks (Braz) Author: pedrop I received this video today. It is a MRS cellulose train in the Pederneiras, SP branch. It's funny, but it also could be tragic.
Pedro Pedro Rezende Vespasiano MG, You must be a registered subscriber to watch videos. Join Today! Date: 01/26/25 22:02 Re: A truck, a dog and a train on the same tracks (Braz) Author: tomstp Bumpy ride.
Date: 01/26/25 22:35 Re: A truck, a dog and a train on the same tracks (Braz) Author: Ritzville Truck people not to smart, could have been worse.
Larry Date: 01/28/25 10:52 Re: A truck, a dog and a train on the same tracks (Braz) Author: E25 Yikes ! (...smart dog, though.)
Greg Stadter Phoenix, AZ Date: 01/28/25 11:09 Re: A truck, a dog and a train on the same tracks (Braz) Author: cjvrr Were they taking old railroad ties? Or just using the tracks for access?
Date: 01/28/25 11:45 Re: A truck, a dog and a train on the same tracks (Braz) Author: pedrop They were taking old ties to use in the wood burning ovens.
cjvrr Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Were they taking old railroad ties? Or just > using the tracks for access? Pedro Rezende Vespasiano MG, https://youtube.com/c/minasgeraisrailways1 |