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Railfan Technology > Topaz software program

Date: 05/30/24 15:02
Topaz software program
Author: Martin_K_OToole

Has anyone tried the Topaz program to clean up photos and videos? It sounds too good to be true, but with the advances made in technology daily....

Martin O'Toole
Marietta, GA

Date: 05/31/24 17:07
Re: Topaz software program
Author: PC1073

Use it regulary on all my images.  I can't recommend it enough.  
It can get a little too aggressive in both noise reduction, and sharpening.
Like any software, you need to monitor what it does, and adjust as needed.
And, like some images, there's simply no saving them, (trust me on this.) 

John R

Date: 06/01/24 20:16
Re: Topaz software program
Author: mojaveflyer

I only use DeNoise and have been delighted with it. Many times I don't use the sharpening tool in Photoshop Elements because this works so well. I just use DeNoise, not the other products and have been very happy with it.

James Nelson
Thornton, CO

Date: 07/23/24 14:30
Re: Topaz software program
Author: E25

In my experience, I have to watch for diminution of sharpness on the smaller details when using denoise.  For example, if I have a wedge shot, I have to keep an eye on the locos further away from the camera insofar as the details can get "homogenized" in the post-processing.  I think that with the introduction of more AI functions in photo processing that this negative aspect will likely improve.  Both Topaz and Photoshop seem to be proactive in incorporating AI into their software.  I am just amazed at how much Photoshop has evolved just in the past five years.

Greg Stadter
Phoenix, AZ

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