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Western Railroad Discussion > Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions

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Date: 03/19/20 09:48
Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: Plowhandle

Here ya go, Quarantine my eye !

Date: 03/19/20 10:39
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: Bob3985

These employees are an important part of the movement of the nations necessary items. 
I know when I was on the road the head brakeman/ conductor and I were on opposite sides of the cab about 6 feet apart.
So that covers social distancing.

Bob Krieger
Cheyenne, WY

Date: 03/19/20 10:49
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: callum_out

I believe I went over that the other day, now just add the shelter in place and you've got the new BLET agreement. I'm curious, how
many places have travel restrictions enough to require the letter?


Date: 03/19/20 11:07
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: wattslocal

You think the UP would be interested in expediting a carload of toilet paper?

A 100 car train of coal is what pays the bills and gets their attention.

If you want toilet paper in a timely manner, truck it.

Watts local


Date: 03/19/20 11:13
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: HardYellow

With the new UPRR Operating Dept. attandance policy...what happends if an employee ends up three week to a month off with these Coronavirus?

Date: 03/19/20 11:28
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: Drknow

The Carrier wants you to stay home and follow all CDC guidelines. After you come back to work with all doctors documentations you still may be subject to dismissal. And I am not making that up, it’s in the new availablity policy. Courage to Care. Project 2020. PSR. Project G55/0, 23 Skidoo hike, hike. Ad Nausium. At least the Foamers like the puff puff engines and the paint schemes.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/19/20 11:34
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: PHall

There's only a few areas, like the Bay Area in California, that have travel restrictions in place.
I have a feeling that this form letter is for the employees in those areas so that they have something to show whoever is enforcing the shelter in place/travel restriction.

Date: 03/19/20 11:40
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: Drknow

This was sent company wide this morning. To paraphrase the late, great Slim Pickins “(Screw) you! I work for Lance Frtz!

Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/19/20 13:13
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: callum_out

So while you're too sick to go to the doctor you wait it out until you can make it and then the doctor says, "Whaaat?": and then they fire you. 
The  E-Rooms around here do post visit school excuses, might be a cottage industry to handle the UP, hmmm. I know it can be a good job
but crime pays better with less hassle.


Date: 03/19/20 13:24
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: trainjunkie

BNSF sent their version out on 3/16.

Date: 03/19/20 13:29
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: Drknow

And a lot of employees with more than 20 years are wondering if it is worth staying after the Corona hysteria is over. TE&Y is not a good career anymore. You’re family doesn’t understand you and your employer holds you in contempt and disdain for just showing up and trying to do the job they hired you to do. It’s like living in a Kafka novel.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/19/20 14:38
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: Plowhandle


Any employee with "20 or more years of service" that is seriously contemplating leaving the sure thing their railroad job's seniority ensures needs to sign themselves up for mental health counseling.

Date: 03/19/20 15:14
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: Drknow

Well Mr. Plowhandle I guess you better get the asylums reddy as a hell of a lot of people are just at the end of their rope. I don’t know what class one you work for but 20 years doesn’t buy s&@t anymore.

Posted from iPhone

Date: 03/19/20 16:07
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: RRBMail

I could use one of those!

Date: 03/19/20 17:17
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: MP683

Still carries no legal weight. If you read the CFR and PPD mentioned, it’s not a get the the roadblock kinda thing.

The railroads are actively trying to lobby Congress and others for exemptions etc, but the letter is a *company* letter.

The AAR put out something similar during the blizzards - but again, a letter from a trade organization (or company) will not make law enforcement shake in their boots.

Date: 03/19/20 17:29
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: goneon66

but, i would HOPE that most police officers would not screw with a hard working joe on his way to/from work that is assisting in the movement of much needed goods in this time of crisis.

i KNOW i sure wouldn't have...................


Date: 03/19/20 17:31
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: MP683

The point is - the railroads are trying this as a tool so that they can move trains under the guise of national security.

In two of my terminals, all they have done is put out a can of Lysol.

They are not suspending the attendance policy, and if you catch it, they may - at their option - credit you the days of work missed.

They have successfully painted TE&Y employees into a corner, which non-union employees are allowed to home office to take care of kids who are out of school - and other similar measures - but the guys and girls in the field are penalized.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/19/20 17:33 by MP683.

Date: 03/19/20 17:59
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: needles_sub

Seriously doubt the railroad will hold anything against you in a pandemic. These are not normal times.
I would find another career if I hated and showed as much contempt working for a railroad as much as some of you do.

Posted from Android

Date: 03/19/20 18:12
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: MP683

You’d be surprised at what mine has posted to employees re the attendance policy and what’s going on.

Date: 03/19/20 18:28
Re: Union Pacific Employees Exemption From Travel Restrictions
Author: swingnose

Oh really?????

needles_sub Wrote:
> Seriously doubt the railroad will hold anything
> against you in a pandemic. These are not normal
> times.
> I would find another career if I hated and showed
> as much contempt working for a railroad as much as
> some of you do.
> Posted from Android

Posted from iPhone

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