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Western Railroad Discussion > MofW Speed

Date: 10/28/06 22:08
MofW Speed
Author: ThumbsUp

An Amtrak surfacing crew quickly tamps Caltrain's main track 3 at CP Stockton in San Jose, CA before the Monday morning commute rush begins.

Date: 10/28/06 22:12
Re: MofW Speed
Author: RustyRayls

This may or may not be the winner, but it is one interesting and unique photograph. AND very nicely done too!

Date: 10/29/06 00:14
Re: MofW Speed
Author: markgillings

That is THE best RR picture I have ever seen. Of course, I work with and around this equipment almost every day and I'm kind of a MOW machine geek, but it's just a very striking shot.

Date: 10/29/06 00:19
Re: MofW Speed
Author: DRGW

Caltrain-Engr Wrote:
> An Amtrak surfacing crew quickly tamps Caltrain's
> main track 3 at CP Stockton in San Jose, CA before
> the Monday morning commute rush begins.

Is that a multiple-exposure, as opposed to a time-exposure?
Neat shot!
Take care,

Date: 10/29/06 01:23
Re: MofW Speed
Author: funnelfan

Its an ingenious photograph. The tamper stops at each tie to tamp and align that tie and the track. That is what caused the stop action every 18 inches or so.

Ted Curphey

Date: 10/29/06 01:33
Re: MofW Speed
Author: DRGW

funnelfan Wrote:
> Its an ingenious photograph. The tamper stops at
> each tie to tamp and align that tie and the track.
> That is what caused the stop action every 18
> inches or so.
> Ted Curphey
> funnelfan@yahoo.com

I shoulda thought of that!
Thanks Ted.
And yes, what a great idea for a nighttime picture. I wonder how long the exposure was? None of the lights seem to be overly-exposed, so it couldn't have been too long...
Take care,

Date: 10/29/06 01:51
Re: MofW Speed
Author: ThumbsUp

It was a 30 second exposure if I remember right...

Date: 10/29/06 06:59
Re: MofW Speed
Author: Pinlifter

Very creative tamper. They way it stopped and moved created a cool effect.

Date: 10/29/06 08:34
Re: MofW Speed
Author: EMDSW-1

Awesome photo of a current production Harsco 6700S tamper in action. My vote for the winning photo. Again, truly awesome photo!!!

Date: 10/29/06 12:49
Re: MofW Speed
Author: vegasrails

Excellent night shot.

Date: 10/30/06 13:18
Re: MofW Speed
Author: xrds72

I remember when he took this shot. Working on MT3 as part of the CEMOF line change. Everyone who has seen it loves it, especially those who do track work.

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