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Western Railroad Discussion > 1983 on the MNPWC

Date: 08/10/10 09:57
1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

The WP heritage SD70ACe is leading UP's North Platte to West Colton manifest today. It arrived at Ogden just after 10 for a crew change on the bypass at Riverdale yard.


Edit: It should arrive at North Yard in SLC by about 1:30 p.m. Below are three shots taken this morning along the Weber River at Peterson. I don't know why the 1983 was placed on the point all by it's lonesome. It did make for an Armour yellow-free head end, though. No complaints!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/10 12:09 by GrandeGold.

Date: 08/10/10 11:27
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: MrOGDEN

Thanks for the update, will this train go through Roper -Provo or through Tooele?


Date: 08/10/10 11:36
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: jhouchen

Thanks for the update, how long should it take to get to West Colton?

Date: 08/10/10 12:01
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

MrOGDEN Wrote:
> Thanks for the update, will this train go through
> Roper -Provo or through Tooele?

Mr. O!

The 1983 departed Ogden at 12:38 p.m. today. The MNPWC trains usually stop at SLC North Yard for a few hours to add & subtract cars. I would think it should head through Tooele Valley mid to late afternoon.


Date: 08/10/10 12:02
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

jhouchen Wrote:
> Thanks for the update, how long should it take to
> get to West Colton?

It's estimated to arrive at West Colton on Thursday at 3:51 a.m. The actual arrival time will most likely be later than the current estimate.

Date: 08/10/10 12:30
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: cdub

GrandeGold Wrote:
> The WP heritage SD70ACe is leading UP's North
> Platte to West Colton manifest today. It arrived
> at Ogden just after 10 for a crew change on the
> bypass at Riverdale yard.
> James
> Edit: It should arrive at North Yard in SLC by
> about 1:30 p.m. Below are three shots taken this
> morning along the Weber River at Peterson. I don't
> know why the 1983 was placed on the point all by
> it's lonesome. It did make for an Armour
> yellow-free head end, though. No complaints!

Looks like you were in Doug Harrop's neighborhood.

Date: 08/10/10 12:51
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

cdub Wrote:
> Looks like you were in Doug Harrop's neighborhood.

Indeed. I half expected him to drive by while performing his morning errands.

Date: 08/10/10 15:11
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

Reporting live in downtown SLC. 1983 has one switch move to make before departing westbound (4:10 pm)

Date: 08/10/10 15:36
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: RustyRayls

Anybody have an ETA for Lost Wages??? Hoping for early daylight tomorrow!! We have not been getting many heritage units through here this year. Last year we were getting them 3 at a time on a regular basis. It's either feast or famine!!

Old Bob out in Lost Wages

Date: 08/10/10 17:04
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: shortlineboss

If this is the MNPWC-09, it's making a big pickup at SLC. Shows departing with 91-9 at 11,740 tons. Into Milford around 2-3 am.

Mike Root
Madras, OR

Date: 08/10/10 17:52
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

Departed Salt Lake at about 6:30 pm. Met eastbounds at Orange Street and Smelter.

Date: 08/10/10 18:15
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

shortlineboss Wrote:
> If this is the MNPWC-09, it's making a big pickup
> at SLC. Shows departing with 91-9 at 11,740 tons.
> Into Milford around 2-3 am.

That's it Mike. I counted 100 cars 2x2 DPU. Sounded and looked great on the LA&SL through Lake Point at 7:10 pm.


Date: 08/11/10 10:46
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: shortlineboss


Did they change the power very much?


Mike Root
Madras, OR

Date: 08/11/10 11:06
Re: 1983 on the MNPWC
Author: GrandeGold

shortlineboss Wrote:
> James,
> Did they change the power very much?
> Mike


They added one GE AC4400CTE at North Yard in SLC. They definitely needed it!


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