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Western Railroad Discussion > On the Pueblo Scene.

Date: 03/25/11 16:25
On the Pueblo Scene.
Author: qman

With absolutely NOTHING more urgent ta do I went ta 29th. St., at the north end of Pb. Yd., and shot these rare coal loads commin' inta town.

5753 at 29th. St. X'ing. (X 2)

5753's train decending toward 18th. St. overpass. The former CF&I plant can be seen in the upper right corner of the shot.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/25/11 16:31 by qman.

Date: 03/25/11 16:27
Re: On the Pueblo Scene.
Author: qman

5753 had 3 units in the DP position. The unit next ta the train was suspiciously quiet.

Wow !!


Date: 03/25/11 17:11
Re: On the Pueblo Scene.
Author: SilvertonRR100

Did anyone ever figure out the max grade on the hump lead. I measures it once and got something like 1.5 per cent, but It may have been 15% for all I know. Look at the tilt on the unit in the last view.


Date: 03/25/11 17:47
Re: On the Pueblo Scene.
Author: SD45X

The quiet one was out of gas.

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