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Western Railroad Discussion > Birthday Shooting

Date: 10/01/11 13:16
Birthday Shooting
Author: kodachrome9319

My soon-to-be wife told me take the oldest son out this morning to run errands to get stuff for his birthday party later on today. Once the errands were completed, I heard of a V CHCTAC departing Gavin Yard so we went to the Gassman Coulee trestle to check it out. Little did we both know, it was adorned with two SD60M's! After a quick chase out to Berthold, ND on the way back I heard the MP 20.1 detector go off, so we spun around and got a V PTLLPC at Des Lacs.

He and I both had fun, I believe I'm starting to corrupt him into liking trains! *evil laugh*.....

1) BNSF 8190 and 8153 lead 6778 feet of racks and stacks over the Gassman Coulee Trestle:

2) With the camera tripod mounted and using a cable release in the front passenger seat, we pace the SD60M duo at 27MPH before they enter the siding at East Berthold:

3) BNSF 1122 East leads the V PTLLPC through Des Lacs, ND:


Date: 10/01/11 14:41
Re: Birthday Shooting
Author: ns2557

Shot 3 is real nice. All are great, but 3 is my favorite. Great catches there. B

Date: 10/01/11 14:44
Re: Birthday Shooting
Author: MaximumRails

Sweet shots Welchie!

Date: 10/01/11 16:20
Re: Birthday Shooting
Author: rattenne

It's great that a legacy water tower is still around to use as a prop.

Date: 10/01/11 17:47
Re: Birthday Shooting
Author: stlrailfan

Mr Welch,
gonna have yourself one of those instant families I see how many children will you/her have once a married couple??? lots of responsibilty for a young lad like yourself good luck buddy.Nice shots from your new hometown too buddy.
Mark Mautner

Date: 10/02/11 02:47
Re: Birthday Shooting
Author: SantaFeRuss

Picture # 1 is my favorite! Nice photos. Thanks for sharing.


Date: 10/02/11 05:07
Re: Birthday Shooting
Author: cozephyr

Des Lacs, North Dakota, appears to have been passed by for population growth. Glad to see the water tank still standing for the by gone Great Northern Railway steam locomotives.

Glad you got time for your sons' birthday.


Date: 10/02/11 19:19
Re: Birthday Shooting
Author: wlj619

Love the stacks in the mirror...

You going to bring your new family to Emeryville one of these days?

Walter Johnson

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