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Western Railroad Discussion > SP Question from past thread.....................

Date: 03/10/12 14:03
SP Question from past thread.....................
Author: spnudge

There was a question on when the SP dropped their scheduled train, like the Zipper.

All I have with me are a list of Western Division Timetables I have and notes. Everything else is at home.

TT No. 18 of 6-10-73 had 920 & 922 deleted

TT No. 6 of 4-25-76 No. 373 was gone

TT No. 7 of 10-31-76, No. 374 was deleted.

Jump ahead to TT No. 18 of 4-26-81 was the last of the old commute numbers listed

TT No. 19 of 10-25-81 Listed No. 16 & 17 The Medfly, for the first time.

TT No. 25 of 10-30-83 No. 16 & 17 were deleted.

TT No. 27 of 4-28-85 was the last "Western Division" timetable issued.


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