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Western Railroad Discussion > End for the Manufacturers Junction Railway?

Date: 11/20/12 22:12
End for the Manufacturers Junction Railway?
Author: kevink

The Manufacturers Juntion Railway is located in Cicero, IL north of the BNSF and between Cicero Avenue and the Belt Railway of Chicago. It was originally the plant railroad for the large Western Electric complex that dominated the east side of Cicero. When WE closed, Omnitrax took over operations for the few industries that remained and based a small locomotive maintenance operation at the roundhouse. For the past few years, there have been no freight customers and the maintenance operation moved elsewhere. The MJ's 2 SW1 locomotives were stored in the small roundhouse and had been subjected to scavenging (copper, brass etc.). A couple of weeks ago, a small fire in the roundhouse had to be extinguished.

On my ride home this afternoon (11/20), I caught a quick glimpse of the SW's outside of the roundhouse and they did not look good. Not sure if they are being moved elsewhere or if they are being scrapped.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/20/12 22:12 by kevink.

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