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Western Railroad Discussion > WATCO/Potash Ridge

Date: 01/28/15 09:08
WATCO/Potash Ridge
Author: callum_out

From Progressive Railroading, this morning.

"Watco Cos. LLC and Potash Ridge Corp. have signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) pertaining to a new loading facility and
short line to serve the Blawn Mountain Project in southern Utah.

Watco will undertake the development, financing and operation of a short line connecting the project to a Union Pacific Railroad mainline
near Milford, Utah, and a loading facility to handle sulphate of potash, sulphuric acid and alumina-rich products. A Canadian exploration
and development company, Potash Ridge is developing a surface alunite deposit in southern Utah that's expected to produce a premium fertilizer
called sulphate of potash and a possible alumina-rich material.

Initial work under the MOU would begin after the commencement of a feasibility study, subject to successfully raising additional financing,
Watco and Potash Ridge officials said in a press release.

"We believe this project will be a complement to our existing operations in Utah and will help to build new relationships in the state,"
said Mark Blazer, Watco's senior vice president of strategic development."

Pretty interesting and very reflective of the rail activity in Utah.


Date: 01/28/15 11:23
Re: WATCO/Potash Ridge
Author: mpaul101

Nice! Thanks for posting!

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